This beauty showed up on the Shockwave Technologies Facebook page. It’s a Shockwave Raptor Grip R870 mounted to FightLite Industries SCR pistol lower receiver. The SCR is legal in all 50 states and accepts AR uppers. This model is 21″ OAL, 7.5″ barrel, and just 3.9 lbs.

Tags: FightLite Industries, Shockwave Technologies
This entry was posted
on Sunday, October 15th, 2017 at 00:00 and is filed under As Seen On Facebook, weapons.
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It’s like a Broomhandle Mauser for the 21st Century….
Great comparison, this is an anti gunners nightmare
Digging it
The worst parts of a rifle and a pistol all in one.
But I’m pro-2A so I want this sold everywhere.
I’m with you Jack, I can only ask…why would anyone want such an unusable piece of junk?
Dont be so quick to dismiss this as junk. If you use this at very close range, it has far more power than any pistol, and can use large capacity magazines. It would be effective in tight quarters, such as shooting from a car.
Our out of a car, in say a drive-by…
I’m not saying it doesn’t look like it would be fun to play with, but it has “Liquor Store” written all over it.
First thing I thought – ‘Armed robbers and gangbangers’.
But what advantage would it have over a standard AR pistol? You don’t have to skirt “pistol grip” rules with pistols like you do carbines.
It is a novelty item, and there is nothing wrong with that. Next we are going to hear about how it is more ergonomic for laying down fire from the hip…
Ok. I had to look at their website. Proprietary bolt carrier and strut that directs the recoil down into the grip/stock. It’ll take any upper, you just have to use their bolt carrier.
I don’t know how you found anything of use on their POS website?
genius… sheer genius
I’m going to spend the rest of my time making back scabbards, drop leg holsters, and under-arm rigs to hide this under a coat. Basically all the 1980s cool stuff
So, it’s a a semi auto mare’s leg. I dig it.
If they want to take the silliness up to plaid, they need to put one of their belt fed uppers with a similarly short barrel on that lower.
An AR Obrez. An ARbrez.
I award you two internets, good Sir!
I have a very mighty need for two of these, worn cross draw pirate style on a leather belt with scabbard and a saber. Reasons…