RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

No-Contact – The Stun Gun You Wear

Recently, my friends at Protect The Force told me that they wanted to show me an extraordinary technology that was initially designed to protect women from sexual assaults but that could be used for a variety of personal protection tasks. I must admit that in my mind’s eye I formed a picture of some sort of chastity belt-like contraption. Fortunately, my imagination run wild was nowhere near the truth of the matter. Instead, I was shown the video below and it brought everything into focus.

I immediately “got it” and began running scenarios in my head where I could apply the technology. I mean who couldn’t see the potential here? It’s phenomenal. No-Contact’s technology was developed by Adam Whiton, a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Yolita Nugent, an apparel designer. Named Conducted Energy Clothing, the concept is simple; bad guy grabs you, much to his chagrin he gets shocked, he unhands you, you fight or flight.

Now I can imagine that some of you are skeptical but they’ve been working on this for awhile. No, it won’t shock you. The wearer is insulated from the effects of the charged outer layer. Additionally, the garment features a Teflon coated waterproof layer to protect the wearer in the rain. Concerned about power requirements? Currently, the system is powered by a single 9v battery.

Remember, the system was initially designed to protect women from sexual assault. It had to be simple to use, so you wear it. Unlike firearms or blade weapons, it requires no training. Once armed, the system is passive. In fact, they are working on a variant that will allow security personnel to remotely activate someone’s CEC in the event they are unable to themselves. This would be great for VIPs and others who risk kidnapping or assault. Even in its current configuration the CEC technology is well suited for Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Security officers.

Some statistics to consider:

“Close-quarters assault from aggressors using fists and hands account for more than 80% of all total assaults faced by law enforcement officers.”
Federal Bureau of Investigation 2008 Uniform Crime Report

No Weapons were used in 74% of all violent crime incidents on civilian victims, just fists and hands. In addition offenders used a weapon in only 1% of all rapes/sexual assaults. Most often fists and hands are used to overpower and restrain the victim.”
U.S. Department of Justice – Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2008

They are still about six months out from full production. For more information visit www.no-contact.com or www.protecttheforce.com.

No-Contact, for when “No” really means “No.”

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