RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SHOT Show Attendees – Win Kit from Velocity Systems & Mayflower

Grand Prize: $2000 worth of NEW Velocity/Mayflower Kit including newly designed never seen products and company apparel!

Requirement to win: 3 Photos, of Velocity Systems and/or Mayflower R&C kit at SHOT show. One of the pictures must be with one of the Velocity/Mayflower Crew at SHOT – they will be wearing company apparel. (Hint: 4 separate booths will be featuring the kit).

First Loser Prize: $500 worth of NEW Velocity/Mayflower Kit including newly designed never seen products and company apparel!

Requirement to win: 2 Photos, of Velocity Systems and/or Mayflower R&C kit at SHOT show. One of the pictures must be with one of the Velocity/Mayflower Crew at SHOT – they will be wearing company apparel. (Hint: 4 separate booths will be featuring the kit).

The winner will be the first one to e-mail the pictures to pquinn@velsyst.com

** Contest not available to existing Velocity & Mayflower Dealers & Distributors

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5 Responses to “SHOT Show Attendees – Win Kit from Velocity Systems & Mayflower”

  1. Ishootmorethensteelandpaper says:

    I could have swore that attendees are barred from bringing cameras and the like unless attendance is coordinated as a member of the media.

  2. Jimbo says:

    Damn, I wish I could go to SHOT. Deployments kinda have a way of blocking that.

  3. Jimbo says:

    Then again, I’ll bet most of the people at SHOT would say, “Damn, I wish I was on a deployment”.