GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for December, 2012

Extreme Outfitters’ 100/100 Sale

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012


From now until Saturday January 5th 2013, use discount code “T800” to receive the Garmont T8 Tactical Jungle Boot for only $100 when combined with another $100 purchase. The purchases must be made at the same time and you must use the discount code to receive the discount.


ADS Fire and Emergency Services Equipment Catalog – New EditionADS Tactical

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

20121222-135316.jpgIn addition to their core business of providing tactical equipment to military and government organizations, ADS Inc also provides Fire and Emergency Services equipment. When you think about it, it’s really a natural extension and there are multiple agencies that use both types of gear to fulfill their mission. And, many of the products in this catalog are available for purchase right online for Government/Military customers paying with their GPC/GSA SmartPay card.


The NRA, The 2d Amendment, and Congress

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

After the last week, I am sure you guys are tired of all of the 2d Amendment talk, assault weapons ban talk, mental health talk, etc. Me too. As usual, folks on both sides are embracing the fact that politicians never waste a good crisis. Attempts to pass legislation limiting out gun rights are coming, no doubt. The best thing for gun owners to do right now is join the NRA, learn the 2d Amendment and it’s purpose, and use your elected officials to make sure your voice is heard. Lots of people are partaking in heated Twitter and Facebook debates, which is all fine, good, and useless. As a population of gun owners, we need to fight the battle where it matters, and that is with the people who are sworn to uphold the Constitution. My better half asked me last night, “Why does anyone need a gun like that (meaning an AR15)?” Well, because the Government has them too, and the whole point of the 2d Amendment is to fight them when they decide the Constitution is an inconvenience to their socialist agenda. But outside of that, because I can. I don’t need a reason, that’s the beauty of it.

As we’ve mentioned on Soldier Systems numerous times, the National Rifle Association is an extremely important political force. For a number of years, Congress has ranked the NRA as the most powerful lobbying organization in America. The Institute for Legislative Action is the lobbying arm of the NRA, and has been helmed by Chris W. Cox since 2002. Of note, Mr. Cox was instrumental in the fight to make sure the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was not signed into a permanent law. He will be the NRA’s leader of any resistance to the Obama Administration’s current assault on the Bill of Rights. I certainly wish him luck, and support. I recently renewed my NRA membership and upgraded to a Lifetime membership. It was $1000 when I did it, but you can get in for $500 right now I believe. I’m not mad, it was money well spent. The only reason we are not already in the same boat legally as the UK, Australia, or nearly anywhere else with our gun rights is because of the political clout of the NRA. That clout does not come cheap, so if you’re spending all your money on guns and ammo right now, make sure to give to the NRA and protect your right to do it again in the future.

Read the 2d Amendment too. What does it say? It says this, ” A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” The right of the people to keep and bear arms…for the security of a free state. The right of the people to arm themselves so as to not become subjects of a tyrannical government again, as we had fought so hard to free ourselves from. I hear the anti-gun crowd say, “We don’t want to take away hunting arms or sporting arms.” Well, respectfully, go to hell. The 2d Amendment guarantees my right to fight off oppressors with my guns. The 2d Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. The President of the United States has a bunch of guns protecting his family, but I can’t have any to protect mine? So much for the Office of the President being a serving citizen, one burdened to lead the rest as an equal in the interest of all. I will never let one group of socialist whiners, subject to the state’s will for the continuation of their “entitlements”, tell me that the Constitution is no longer applicable. Soon after the abolition of the 2d Amendment will come the death of their most cherished right, the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment gives free speech, the 2d gives the people the right to defend it. That is something lost on people of no character or fortitude.

Fortunately, you have a voice. Every member of Congress can be easily reached online. I got a personal response of Congressman Howard Coble within 24 hours and Senator Richard Burr in the same time frame with a guarantee of their support of the Second Amendment. They know what I think, I know what they think, and come election time I will hold them accountable with my votes. I suggest everyone get off of Facebook and Twitter for a moment and type out a well written, grammatically correct, punctuated paragraph or two to the person who will vote in your interests. Make sure you let them know what you want, or don’t bitch when it doesn’t go your way. Your Congressman does not follow you on Twitter, but his office reads their .gov emails because they want your votes. Democrat, Republican, Independent…when most of their future votes say something, that’s a powerful motivator. They work for you, not the other way around. Be the boss and tell them what you want.

If you own a gun, for any reason, your rights are at their most precarious state in history. You have a voice, use it. You have resources, use them. You have a Right to Keep and Bear Arms, use it! It will take less time for you to strap on a gun, join the NRA and write your 3 members of Congress than it did to read this article. My sincere hope is that writing this was a waste of time, and that everyone is saying to themselves “He’s about a week late…” If not, please consider this advice, America needs your help now more than ever.

Coming Soon from Panteao Productions – The Battle of the Black Sea

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012


I’m pretty excited about this coming out. I heard awhile back that Panteao Productions had been interviewing Mogadishu Veteran Paul Howe about his experience. I have a feeling this is going to be good.

On October 3, 1993 a group of US Rangers and Special Operations soldiers set out on a mission into the heart of the Bakara market in Mogadishu. What started as a mission that should have lasted 30 minutes turned into a battle for their lives. Known by these men as the Battle of the Black Sea and later portrayed in the motion picture Black Hawk Down, here is the untold story of that battle. Coming soon in a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack and streaming from the Panteao website.


Preserving the Second Amendment – Gun Owners: Like It Or Not, We’re All In This Together

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Over the next few days SSD will be posting items from industry professionals that we hope will inform and spark discussion on the Second Amendment of the Constitution. This second article is from USMC Veteran Paul Buffoni, owner of Bravo Company USA.

Please share this information on your FaceBook page in the hope that other folks in the “I support the 2nd Amendment, but don’t want people to have AR15 rifles” crowd get a better real understanding of the issues at stake.

If we don’t get these folks involved and on our side, the 2nd Amendment will eventually be completely eroded. There is so much misinformation put out there by the gun-grabbers and then repeated by the media. Let’s take a moment to clear up some of that misinformation.

1) Civilian AR-15 rifles are NOT the same automatic weapons the Military has. The military has fully automatic weapons. Civilian AR-15s in production today do NOT. They shoot one shot per trigger pull, just like a semi auto hunting rifle. I know often the when the media makes commentary they show B-roll video in the background of a machine gun shooting and spraying, but that is not how civilian AR-15 rifles operate.

2) Civilian AR-15 rifles (or similar) has the same type of internals as your semi auto deer rifle. Civilian type “assault” rifles function the exact same way as deer hunting rifles. They just look different.

3) Even the term “assault” rifle is gun grabber sensationalism parroted by the media. “Assault” weapons are fully automatic (select fire), and they have been heavily regulated since the 1930s, and civilian manufacturer has been completely outlawed almost 30 years ago!!

4) ”AK-47s” have already been banned from manufacture from civilians, also almost 30 years ago. Again the civilian look-a-like rifles have the same type of semi auto internals as your hunting rifle. Different cosmetics, same type of mechanics.

5) An AR15 (or similar) is NOT a “high powered rifle”. I guess it depends on what you want to categorize as “high power”, but these rifles shoot some of the smallest rifle cartridges in the market. Deer rifles are a LOT more powerful than any of these rifles. And soon the gun-grabbing crowd will recategorize your deer rifle as a “high powered sniper rifle”. That is how this political movement works.

6) A hunting shotgun is a LOT more lethal in these close quarter mass killings of unarmed innocent people than any semi auto rifle. Anyone with extensive firearms training and experience will confirm that.

The politicians know these new laws will NOT stop these types of mass killings. They even admit it! But they want to pass them anyway because it serves their greater mission of effectively neutering the second amendment. The leaders in this movement actually DON’T WANT these laws to work (even if they would) because when they are shown ineffective, they now have the political momentum to pass more ineffective laws, and grab more guns.

This is all part of a broader gun grab, done slowly, in increments, over time, until the Second Amendment is just a bunch of meaningless outdated words on an old piece of parchment.

When a sociopath chooses that shotgun or hunting rifle in the next horrific event, you are the legislature’s next target.

The philosophy of “We need to pass more laws to stop sociopathic criminals from breaking our laws” is effective because most Americans are not really paying attention to these details. (Please read that line twice) Please help to educate the public with this information.

Also it should be noted, the 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting, fishing, competitive shooting, “sporting purposes”, racquet ball, swimming, camping, etc. The 2nd Amendment (and the entire Bill of Rights) is to preserve a balance of power between the citizens and their government.

-Paul Buffoni
Bravo Company USA

Leadership as a Core Competency from the McChrystal Group

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

In a recent blog post entitled “Leadership as a Core Competency” author Joe Wollfel a Sr. Consultant with the McChrystal Group and former Navy SEAL, discusses successful traits for a practitioner leader.

The power of practical leadership lies in the integration of high-performing individuals’ skills and ideas, not the mastery of the individual leader in his or her field or function: the leader’s function is leadership.

It contains excellent pointers for someone in charge of a group of high-performers. Such conditions are often found in SOF units with highly competent and experienced NCOs being led by a generalist officer. As these officers are often still early in their careers and serious go-getters themselves, there is a tendency to compete with the troops. Years ago, I served with one such performance obsessed young officer. “Bob” was in constant competition with his team, whether at the shooting range or at the gym, he wanted to outdo everybody. I remember speaking with him about his overtly competitive behavior. It wasn’t exactly making him very popular with the men so I tried to explain to him that he needed to learn as much as he could about his charges, their strengths and weaknesses so that when he needed them, he’d know how to make best use of their skills. He never got it and ended up getting out of the Air Force. It’s too bad. He had a lot to offer but he wasn’t willing to learn how to lead.

So, it was refreshing to read this article by Wollfel. Take a few minutes to read it and see how you can apply these principles to your leadership experience.


US Elite ‘Not the End of the World’ Sale

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Seeing how we didn’t all perish yesterday, US Elite is holding a ‘Not the End of the World Sale’ with 15% OFF the entire store, excluding all fitness equipment & hazmat products. Discount limited to in-stock merchandise only. Sale begins now and runs to midnight Sunday 12/23. All orders will be shipped beginning 12/26.


SKD Tactical Presents – ASSHOLE-PROOFED Magpul PMAG Gen M3 30 Rd AR/M4

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

SKD Tactical is offering an interesting deal on Magpul PMAG Gen M3 30 Rd AR/M4. They are selling the highly sought after magazines that retail normally at $14.95 for get this…$39.20! Wait, $39.20? An outrage you say? Not exactly. How about we find out their well reasoned explanation:

By now, most of you have heard of the Shenanigans in our industry with regards to the inflated pricing of PMAGS and similar, highlighted by the likes of Cheaper than Dirt selling out of PMAGs at $60 EACH. During the first run before President Obama’s inauguration, we didn’t raise our prices one cent, and sold out of all of our multiple shipments of PMAGS in record time… only to learn that many of our sales were to high volume purchasers who flipped their orders for ridiculous profits to unwitting fellow gun owners. Supply and Demand. Capitalism. America. OK, WE GET IT.

What rubs us wrong is that everyone and their brother who likes AR15s is willing to pay outrageous prices for said AR15s and their feeding devices now that their future seems questionable, but countless among them are folks who haven’t lifted a finger or donated a red cent to a worthy cause that protects their freedom. Well, we just got a large quantity of PMAGs in, and rather than just release them at our regular low price to people who would prey on other panicked buyers, we’re going to honor market pressures and price our PMAGs accordingly. The difference is that we’re only going to keep what we normally charge for a PMAG, but the rest of it will go to one of two organizations that we believe in. SO, if you want one of these PMAGS from SKD, you’ll have to select whether you want your funds to go towards the NRA in support of their NEW “National School Shield Emergency Response Program”, or the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, rated 4 stars (highest rating) by Charitynavigator.com.

Thusly, we have for all intents and purposes ASSHOLE-PROOFED our PMAGs.


1) By donating the majority of the proceeds to a worthy cause, by default no one who purchases these PMAGs is an ASSHOLE.
2) By selling these at or near current market prices, it keeps ASSHOLES who want to flip these PMAGs from purchasing these magazines.
3) By getting these PMAGs out of our warehouse, they are freed from the captivity of the ASSHOLES at SKD.

This is a WINNING proposition no matter how you approach it. As of this posting we have a HUNDREDS of PMAGS in stock. We are limiting their sale to 5 per customer. If you don’t like our methods, please don’t waste time trying to complain to us because we will not respond. For the rest us, and those like us, please take a moment to contemplate what it is you can do TODAY to help protect the Freedoms that are in jeopardy this very moment. Talk to your friends and family, your neighbors and elected officials, and let them know that our Second Amendment Freedoms matter. And finally, please support the organizations that work tirelessly to protect our Freedoms.

