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Archive for 2012

Check Out the Instant Harness by Agilite

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

Consisting of the Sidewinder and A.R.C.H., the “Instant Harness” set is new from Agilite. It allows you to create a full repelling harness on the fly.


Felix Baumgartner’s Pressure Suit

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

Today Felix Baumgartner attempts to break four world records, three of which were set in the early 1960s. Both were set by military men. The highest altitude parachute jump and longest freefall was set in 1960 by USAF Capt Joe Kittinger and the highest altitude manned balloon flight was set in 1961 by USN Cdr Malcolm Ross and Lt Cdr Victor Prather. Unfortunately, Lt Cdr Prather died during the recovery at sea.

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner is attempting to shatter these records and also be the first human to break the sound barrier in freefall.


In order to make a jump from 120,000′ he is making the ascent in a ballon. There is little atmosphere at that altitude and as soon as he depressurized the balloon’s cabin his life would be at danger if it weren’t for his pressurized suit and helmet manufactured by David Clark. Unfortunately, there is an issue with his heated visor. The mission continues as the ground team assesses their options.

Lets cheer him and his team on.

MultiCam Shows Up Everywhere

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

At least from a branding standpoint, when the civilian consumer market thinks military, they think MultiCam. Yet another example of this is this “Military Limited Edition” bottle of firm hold styling gel from American Crew.


I took the boys in for hair cuts this morning and low-and-behold, there it was, a MultiCamesque pattern on the shelf of our local Best Cuts. Now, American Crew wants you to know that they support the USO. But this bottle illustrates an issue that someone is going to encounter starting early next year. The US Army is going to select a new family of camouflage patterns. US Government use of those patterns will be covered a licensing agreement. But commercial use, such as this bottle will controlled by the pattern developer. It’s going to be very lucrative for the winner, if they can control its licensed use. With everything from Halloween costumes to bookmarks to hair gel already out there sporting MultiCam in order to capitalize on America’s support of her military, how will the winner of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort get their arms around the market and control use of their IP?

The GSS Medford Knife Giveaway is Tomorrow

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

In honor of reaching 3000 ‘likes’ on Facebook, GSS Gear is giving away a Medford Knife & Tool TFF-3. It’s a sleek, yet sturdy, take on Greg’s beast folding knives. Like all of his folders it features a low part count and it’s incredibly easy to care for. This thing has a titanium solid scale, an aluminum lock scale, custom titanium hardware, and the blade is NP3 coated D2. This tool is meant to resist corrosion from even salt water! You can get to work and when it’s dirty you can literally wash it in the sink. It has an ambi thumb stud that turns out, can also be used as a bottle opener. The knife they are giving away is one of only a hundred made. $150 from each knife went to the families of the fallen men from the helicopter crash 8/6/2011 through the Navy League. The knives GSS bought bought are not stamped X/100 because these knives are meant to be used! Sure, a limited edition knife can be put in a case or drawer, but there’s too much utility in this knife to let it sit around.

How do you own this fantastic knife? Simple, you must like the giveaway post on Facebook, comment on the post, and share the post. You must also like GSS gear and make sure your likesshares are viewable to others or else we won’t know!

On Monday October 15th GSS Gear select a random name from those that liked/comment/reposted and award them a pocket full of awesome.


Victorinox Introduces Camo Knives

Sunday, October 14th, 2012


Victor inbox has introduced camouflage as an option for many of their pocket knives. They have both the woodlandesque pattern seen here as well as a desert digital for some models.


Canipe Correspondence – Girls and Guns

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

Between the booth girls, calendars, advertisements, and the average chick in an action movie, a lot of us guys have an image that pops into our heads when we hear “girls” and “guns” in the same context. Guilty as charged. When I go into my “man cave” it’s a gun room, totally devoid of anything feminine other than a 9mm 1911. Because of my background in male-only military units and a male-dominated industry, I think of the Hot Shots calendar or Kate Beckinsale in Underworld. Gun culture is a predominately male endeavor. Guys, that’s something we need to strive to change. I’m sure a lucky few have a wife or girlfriend who wants to go blaze away. For the rest of us, here’s a few good reasons to get your better half out behind a gun:

1. PROTECTION: I’m pretty comfortable with a gun. I’m pretty comfortable with the idea of taking someone’s life in legitimate self defense. I generally feel pretty good about my abilities to defend those I care about as well. However, I can’t always be around, and I bet a lot of the SSD readers can’t either. I’m gone 50% or more of the time personally. A couple of nights ago, my girlfriend had a shady looking/sounding person start beating on the door. At 3:45AM. In the country, in a really sweet house in the middle of a very large nursery. Most of us knuckle draggers would be thanking God that our prayers were answered while we try to decide what blaster to grab. My much better half was not as amused. Home alone with two kids and two dogs who were absolutely going bonkers, she was freaked out. Luckily, she did the right thing and consolidated the family in the back bedroom, got out the Glock 19 and Surefire light I gave her, called 911, and waited for someone to come through the door. Fortunately, that didn’t happen. 60 minutes later when the Deputy arrived to a call of someone beating down a door and screaming to let them in (3 miles from the station…ponder that for a minute), he said they found a dazed person walking down the road claiming their car had broken down. Think about that response time. An HOUR to get to a call of someone breaking into a house while acting deranged. Had they busted through a window with the intent to harm, the cavalry was a long time out. Whether it’s your wife, girlfriend, daughter, mother, neighbor, friend, cousin…if you have the ability to help them defend themselves in the world we live in today, why wouldn’t you?

2. WOMEN VOTE: There’s no doubt that we’re in a politically tumultuous time in America. I personally feel that if the current administration gets re-elected, gun rights will be on the agenda for them as they continue their assault on the Constitution. Women have voted more than men by 3-5% in every election since 1980 according to Rutger’s University’s Center for American Women and Politics. When I vote this year, make no mistake of what I am voting for. I am not voting for a political party. I am not voting for Romney as a person. I am not voting for taxes, entitlements, big corporations, small business, war, peace or anything else. I’ve got my own uber-conservative views on all that stuff. But when I cast the ballot, I am voting for my guns, and my right to buy, own, and sell them. My 2nd Amendment RIGHT to keep them. I believe gun control only punished law-abiding citizens, and I exercise my right to vote to keep that removal of my ability to defend myself and my family at bay. We need all the help we can get with that, and while I don’t have any statistics I’d bet males make up the majority of the staunch 2A advocates. As we try and use the system to protect our way of life against the liberal/socialist agenda every vote counts.

3. QUALITY TIME: We all make concessions in a relationship. I spent a lot of time in malls, shops, wine tastings, cocktail parties and other absolutely miserable crap like that in the past to try and make girls happy. I spent most of that time wishing I was at the range. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on purses, shoes, jackets, little dresses, and jewelry. I swiped the debit card for all of that stuff thinking about how I’d rather give Shooter’s Supply that money. It would have been pretty cool to have been able to do something with the significant other that actually involved anything I cared about. Just imagine for a moment your wife or girlfriend wanting to go shoot instead of whatever else. Imagine not having to hide the new guns you bring home, but having that new Glock or AR welcomed into the household. Pretty cool, huh?

There are a lot of reasons for gun guys to encourage their girls to become gun girls. These three stuck out for me, but no matter your reasons I think getting more women involved in shooting sports and defensive training is a great idea. Northern Red and Stoic Ventures offer female-specific shooting courses that come highly recommended, in addition to your local Concealed Carry class that everyone needs to take. Also, there is an increasing number of women’s shooting organizations popping up around the country, check and see if there is one local to you. Just don’t be mad when your guns start disappearing into her safe.


Gunfighter Moment – Pat McNamara

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

“As you plan out your training strategy keep in mind that limits begin where vision ends. When it comes to teaching and learning, I believe that without attitude, aptitude and desire lives a fault line where information meets its boundary.

Whether training for street fighting, shooting or fitness, you must believe in yourself. The mind navigates the body. In other words, how you think will determine how you perform. A positive self image and confidence increase one’s ability to perform. Your goals should be ambitious but realistic. Set short term intermediate goals to assist you in meeting your long term ambitious goals.”

Patrick McNamara
SGM, US Army (Ret)

Patrick McNamara spent twenty-two years in the United States Army in a myriad of special operations units. When he worked in the premier special missions unit, he became an impeccable marksman, shooting with accurate, lethal results and tactical effectiveness. McNamara has trained tactical applications of shooting to people of all levels of marksmanship, from varsity level soldiers, and police officers who work the streets to civilians with little to no time behind the trigger.

His military experience quickly taught him that there is more to tactical marksmanship than merely squeezing the trigger. Utilizing his years of experience, McNamara developed a training methodology that is safe, effective and combat relevant and encourages a continuous thought process. This methodology teaches how to maintain safety at all times and choose targets that force accountability, as well as provides courses covering several categories, including individual, collective, on line and standards.

While serving as his Unit’s Marksmanship NCO, he developed his own marksmanship club with NRA, CMP, and USPSA affiliations. Mac ran monthly IPSC matches and ran semi annual military marksmanship championships to encourage marksmanship fundamentals and competitiveness throughout the Army.

He retired from the Army’s premier hostage rescue unit as a Sergeant Major and is the author of T.A.P.S. (Tactical Application of Practical Shooting).


Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

Inside Wilson Combat

Saturday, October 13th, 2012
