GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Shooting the Newly Unveiled DDM4 Integrally Suppressed Rifle

DDM4 300 Blkout

At today’s SHOT Show Media Range Day I was one of the first to be able to shoot the new DDM4 Integrally Suppressed Rifle (ISR) from Daniel Defense. With this gun you are essentially getting two Tax Stamps for the price of one; a Suppressor and SBR.


Daniel Defense designed this new carbine to accept the increasingly popular .300 AAC round. They combined a pistol-length gas system with a 10.3″ Cold Hammer Forged barrel that features a permanently mounted 5.7″ suppressor (with removable baffle core) that together, bring the overall barrel length to just over 16″. They do this by threading and welding the suppressor to the gas block. The gas block is then in turn, mounted with a spiral roll pin and welded in place to the barrel.

Shooting was smooth and quiet. What more can I say, I only got to shoot 20 rounds through it. Hopefully, I will be spending more time with one in the near future. Although I was able to fire a full-auto model, this is obviously not a transferable option. Look for the DDM4 ISR to ship in April in semi-auto.


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7 Responses to “Shooting the Newly Unveiled DDM4 Integrally Suppressed Rifle”

  1. Kudzu says:

    What did thy say the price would be like?

  2. Gage says:

    Now for one in .300 Blackout…

  3. Shad G. says:

    What brand suppressor did they use?

  4. Joe @ DD says:


    The ISR is chambered in 300 Blackout. MSRP is $3199 and they will be available to ship in April
