
Paradigm SRP PKM


The guys at Paradigm SRP are always put to build a better mousetrap and this time they have taken on my favorite machine gun; the PKM. While it runs like a top, it isn’t exactly compact and the ergonomics suck for firing while maneuvering.


According to Paradigm SRP, this prototype was developed to modernize the PKM system for customers who require a compact general purpose machine gun that fires the 7.62x54R cartridge. The major criteria was that it had to be maneuverable within a SUV for PSD operations. They also used it as a test weapon in their TALON gyro-stabilized gun platform.

The build was a joint project between Paradigm SRP and Acadiana Gunworks (you may remember fellow AFSOC Vet, Glenn Fleming from his Sons of Guns days) . They began by shortening the barrel to 19” and attaching an AAC muzzle break. However, they did not shorten the gas system to allow for use with full length barrels. Next they added an ArmaDynamics PKM RAP rail. They also selected the Trijicon SRS optic. Additionally, two items from Blackheart International made it into the build; the tri-rail and folding stock kit which was fitted with a Magpul UBR stock. Acadiana Gunworks also came up with a custom ejection port brass deflector to prevent the brass from hitting the support hand of right handed shooters.Finally, they topped it off with a custom MultiCam style paint job and fitted an Atlas bipod.

All in all it looks like a great set of upgrades to improve the versatility of a great weapon.


4 Responses to “Paradigm SRP PKM”

  1. super six-four says:


  2. Bradkaf308 says:

    A bit better than what I worked on in Afghan

  3. Freeman says:

    Awesome PKM, but the Multicam paintjob is hideous IMHO… best leave it black, maybe with a few dark earth pieces for contrast.