
Posts Tagged ‘Paradigm SRP’

Talon Live Fire Demo at SHOT Show

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

WHAT: Paradigm SRP will showcase the TALON™, a gyro-stabilized weapons platform, during Industry Day at the Range.

The TALON, designed for precision shooting applications from moving and stationary platforms, is suitable for helicopter use and equally capable from ground vehicles, boats, and static emplacements. The TALON is the only unit of its kind specifically designed with advanced stabilization technology for sniper and marksman applications.

Lightweight, compact and portable, the TALON is easily mounted and removed from any vehicle. It is designed for semi-automatic rifles up to 300WM and uses the operator’s weapon and scope, with a typical accuracy of 6” at 300-yards.

The TALON features MIL-SPEC cables and connectors and offers stand-alone power capability. It also provides video outputs for downlinking and recording.

Paradigm is also showcasing TALON with Colt Manufacturing, LLC. The Colt CM901 7.62 rifle will be mounted on the TALON. The Colt battlefield sensor suite, SWORD (Soldier Weapon & Observer Reconnaissance Device), can either be mounted on the side rail or to the rail under the range finder. The TALON will then communicate wirelessly through the Combat Net to Colt’s SWORD Battle Management software and display the orientation of the Talon allowing for greater shot accuracy and weapon situational awareness. Colt’s SWORD Capability will also enable the TALON to operate in an Indirect Fire Capability.

WHO: The following executives will be available:

· Todd DeGidio – chief executive officer

· John Lindsey – vice president, operations

· David Strong – business development consultant

· Angel Bennett – public relations consultant 

WHEN: SHOT Show Industry Day at the Range

                        January 18, 2016 8:30am – 4:30pm 


DEMO: Firing Lane: SR47

                        Boulder Rifle & Pistol Club

                        2500 Utah Street

                        Boulder City, NV


COLT Manufacturing, LLC


SHOT Show, Sands Expo Center, 19-22 January 2016

Booth #12529 

MORE: Paradigm SRP, LLC, headquartered in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., is a defense technology provider focused on military and law enforcement products and solutions. The company develops, manufactures and supports a unique range of products for military special operations forces, elite law enforcement units, as well as the private sector. For more information, visit

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This Guy Brings A Sword To A Gunfight

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

I know that the headline sounds like the opening line of a joke but it’s real. I think you’ll find this video from Paradigm SRP pretty interesting. It features Chris Garland, Paradigm SRP’s VP of Special Weapons and Combatives and based out of their Nashville, Tennessee office. He is a former US Army infantryman and served as a Diplomatic Security Officer (PSD) for the Department of State while assigned to the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. A lifelong student of the martial arts, Chris hold various master level rankings in sword and knife based arts.


It features some of Paradigm SRP’s Special Operations Battle Blades. We first learned about them during SOFIC. They currently come in two flavors; the Direct Action Ranger Knife and Special Operations Battle Blade and were designed by Chris Garland based on his extensive knowledge of Japanese style swords and knives. Due to the special edge geometry and finishing, they are fully capable of delivering fatal cuts either through deep tissue destruction or the severing of body parts. In fact, the reason these blades were designed in the first place was to incapacitate an opponent in a single cut as seen in the video. They are available in both hand forged and machined versions.

Paradigm SRP PKM

Friday, September 13th, 2013


The guys at Paradigm SRP are always put to build a better mousetrap and this time they have taken on my favorite machine gun; the PKM. While it runs like a top, it isn’t exactly compact and the ergonomics suck for firing while maneuvering.


According to Paradigm SRP, this prototype was developed to modernize the PKM system for customers who require a compact general purpose machine gun that fires the 7.62x54R cartridge. The major criteria was that it had to be maneuverable within a SUV for PSD operations. They also used it as a test weapon in their TALON gyro-stabilized gun platform.

The build was a joint project between Paradigm SRP and Acadiana Gunworks (you may remember fellow AFSOC Vet, Glenn Fleming from his Sons of Guns days) . They began by shortening the barrel to 19” and attaching an AAC muzzle break. However, they did not shorten the gas system to allow for use with full length barrels. Next they added an ArmaDynamics PKM RAP rail. They also selected the Trijicon SRS optic. Additionally, two items from Blackheart International made it into the build; the tri-rail and folding stock kit which was fitted with a Magpul UBR stock. Acadiana Gunworks also came up with a custom ejection port brass deflector to prevent the brass from hitting the support hand of right handed shooters.Finally, they topped it off with a custom MultiCam style paint job and fitted an Atlas bipod.

All in all it looks like a great set of upgrades to improve the versatility of a great weapon.

SOFIC – Paradigm SRP Take 2

Friday, May 17th, 2013


In addition to the TALON stabilized weapon mount, Paradigm SRP also displayed SpecOp Shop’s SOU in the SSFN LANDCAMO ABD/SERE Combat Camouflage pattern.

SOFIC – Paradigm SRP

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

We’ve mentioned the TALON gyro-stabilized marksman platform from Paradigm SRP in the past.


Now, they’ve added a control board as well as a 2000m laser range finder. The control board offers picture in picture and you can really see how we’ll it stabilizes the weapon. Amazing considering the weapon is actually only held to the TALON via a Bobro QD mount along the underside of the hand guard.


See the Paradigm SRP TALON Gyro-Stabilized Gun Platform

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

See the TALON gyro-stabilized gun platform from Paradigm at the Legion Firearms booth (# 27108). This thing has come a long way since its first appearance on Soldier Systems. First off, they’ve added a camera system – one sensor looks through the scope and one offers a wide angle view of the target area. They also added a range finder and the system automatically calculates shot distance from heights and displays it on the hand controller screen. The TALON is totally automated and stabilized for helicopters, boats, and vehicles.

TALON gyro-stabilized gun platform

The photo shows a SCAR H mounted in the TALON, but any weapon with a bottom rail on the hand guard can be utilized.

Paradigm SRP TALON Universal Weapons Mount

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Paradigm SRP provides services from Executive Protection to Foreign Internal Defense risk mitigation and consultations. And now, they’ve added some pretty high tech technology development to their portfolio.

You may have seen the first version of their TALON Universal Weapons Mount on the Discovery Channel series, “Sons of Guns.” The version you saw on the show utilized mechanical gyros, while this new version uses state-of-the-art fiber optic gyros.

Adaptable to many platforms including rotary wing aircraft, vehicles, and maritime systems, the TALON Universal Weapons Mount will accommodate a wide variety of weapons starting with the M4 type carbine for more stable shots to larger and more accurate systems for precision shots such as the .50 (rifle). Additionally, the TALON will mount belt fed systems such as a 7.62 Light Machine Gun (LMG). Furthermore, Paradigm SRP is working on compatibility with the Mk 19 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher. It is a simple and stable mounting design that does not require permanent alteration for installation but rather uses existing cargo hard points along with common tie-down straps.

Pinpoint precision is now achievable from aerial platforms (ground and maritime as well) due to the TALON’s design. A quick mount system allows the weapon to be attached to the TALON. Stabilization is achieved by incorporating mil-spec fiber optic gyros, high speed servos, and advanced circuitry into a precision machined two axis yoke. Stabilization correction solutions are made at a rate of over one thousand times per second. This is much faster than mechanical gyros.

If you want to know more, make you see the TALON Gun Mount in booth #811 at the National Tactical Officers Association’s 28th Annual Conference 18 and 19 September in Richmond, Virginia.