Velocity Systems has created the next generation of accessory inserts for the Arc’teryx LEAF Khard series of packs, including the new Khard 60, capable of carrying configured carbines. The size and configuration of the Khard 60 offer some new options.
You can see there are some new accessories that haven’t been offered before including a PALS panel.
This is just the first phase. Phases 2 and 3 offer even more options.
Below you can see photos of two sample loadouts (Khard 30 and 60) to give you an idea of the possible. Naturally, the pack/accessory combination is modular, so how you use them is up to you.

Tags: Arc'teryx, Mayflower Research and Consulting LLC, Velocity Systems
I’ve got to ask… What military units are actually issued Arc’teryx gear? What kind of prices are they paying? Is it through GSA and an NSN or do they have a blank check to work with? I know the gear is extremely high quality, but the prices are astounding…
Go back and read the story on “why does this thing cost so much?”
I know why the stuff costs so much…
“””I’ve got to ask… What military units are actually issued Arc’teryx gear? What kind of prices are they paying? Is it through GSA and an NSN or do they have a blank check to work with?”””
I think if you ask that after you’ve claimed to have read, you still haven’t fully understood what you’ve read.
These are inserts made by Velocity for the Arc’teryx bags that were featured on SSD a few days ago.
I asked a general question regarding who exactly is using a $500+ bag; and now the both of you are being obtuse.
I was unaware that the comments section is not allowed to reference other gear. A thousand apologies…
What other gear?
Maybe he’s referring to the Arc’Teryx Dry Pack 70!
Sweet Jeebus you guys are fully of snark today… FSM forbid any form of discussion.
BTW, I was referring to the article you did on the Khard60. Wow…
That isn’t our focus. There are certain things we don’t talk about on SSD and the units that use certain products is one of those things. There are plenty of websites that want to tell you all about them (although much of it isn’t true).
Because snark seems to be the theme today, except when you do like the GIGN post a bit ago.
Yes, there are military units who issue Arc’teryx gear. They purchase it through a variety of procurement vehicles.
If you’d like to be in one of those units, they have ongoing selection programs.
I think you can be assured that when a company like Arc’teryx puts together a product with quality materials and well thought out design, they almost certainly aren’t doing it for shits and giggles. Prototyping and development all the way to production costs a lot of money, and they wouldn’t do it if there aren’t any requirements or individuals that uses such a product. If they did manufacture a product that the market doesn’t need, the free market will decide and they won’t make any money. It’s that simple.
As for who, well I’m sure there are classes of people in militaries around the world where money is no object for procurement of equipment that is of no compromise in ensuring that individuals come home alive.
I think really at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter who uses what. Arc’teryx makes a great product that they know (hopefully, but seeing as.they have been hugely successful, they most certainly seem to) will sell at the price point they sell it at. If you need it, you’ll pay for it. If you don’t and still want it, you’re most certainly welcome to purchase it (seeing as it’s for sale to the general populace as well), if you need it but can’t afford it, there are other alternatives, perhaps inferior or superior quality. If you need it but can’t afford it, maybe you can make manufacture a (superior) product that costs less.
Don’t you just love free market and capitalism?
I have no problem with Arc’teryx. In fact, thanks to their “discount” program I own a few of their items – purchased with personal funds. I was just trying to have a discussion about who is actually “issued” this gear and how it was purchased.
Ask Arc’teryx. I’m sure they’ll tell you all about it.
I’ll get right on that.
You talked about pricing of products that were created for government customers.
I won’t comment on what units LEAF sells to, but most of the clothing line is TAA and can be bought on GSA and there are NSN’s assigned to several of the products. Unfortunately the pack line is not TAA, so pack buys are done in smaller volumes with teams that have the funding to do so.
Jeff, obviously gear like that is used by specialists in units who has the power and budget to purchase what they need.
In the military that would mainly be SOF units, the most popular Arcteryx item there is probably the Alpha and Alpha LT jackets.
I have seen the Drybag in use in Naval SOF units, the Khard would appear to appeal to specialists like Coms, EOD and Medics with a need to organize and protect a lot of smaller items.
Most shooters don’t carry backpacks on fast DA missions, but follow-on enablers may very well.
It’s pretty sweet to see the layout of the pack, but how large of a barrel does the 60 accommodate?
Do you mean how long?
Come on, that’s CLEARLY what they mean.
How large of a barrel, isn’t the question to ask, so it leads me to believe that he might not be sure what he’s asking. I wanted to clarify.
Unusually snarky today.
Think 10″ guns.
How, uhh, large (or is it long?) of a mag can be in the rifle before there’s a bulge in the pack or it won’t close?
You can get a 30 rounder in there but I’d say anything longer will be an issue without monkeying with the angle of the gun in the bag.
The Khard 60 pack appears to have a drop down barrel extension. Does anyone know the internal dimensions of the pack? Specifically, will it fit a 14.5″ barrel M4-type gun (w/permanently attached flash hider/muzzle brake) with the stock collapsed?
For greater utility, the pack should have been designed for an M4-type firearm. If it only can accommodate 10″ barrel guns (unless the upper and lower receivers are separated), then the utility seems unreasonably limited.
When SSD posted the arc’teryx 2015 catalog a couple of days ago they talked about the bag and what it could fit. I’m pretty sure the drop down feature of it can feature a longer barrel.
Yes, the extension is for cans on 10″ guns.
Great looking bag! Velocity and Arc’teryx make good stuff. I’d rather pay twice as much for a good piece of kit that will last a long time, instead of something half the cost, that I have to buy four of because it falls apart. You get what you pay for. We see the same complaints with our gear… people spend $600 and more for a pistol, but then they only want to spend $30 on a Fobus holster that falls apart when you brush up against something. The $30 holster just rendered the $600+ gun ineffective. Skimping on gear you are counting on with your life isn’t exactly a wise practice from my experience. Just my thoughts…
– James