GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for November, 2015

Who Is Going To Check about Amabilis Tomorrow?

Monday, November 30th, 2015


Tactical Assault Gear – Cyber Monday Sales

Monday, November 30th, 2015


TAG is running a discount of 25% on all of their 2015 Gear: Vanguards, IHVs, and Fugitives included.


S&S Precision Maker Monday – V-Lite Now Available In Yellow And Purple

Monday, November 30th, 2015


S&S Precision has introduced two new color options for their V-Lite, Purple and Yellow. The V-Lite is designed as a versatile personal lighting/identification marker, and with its one-button operation, a simple and intuitive alternative to chemical light sticks. It features a flexible silicone body which is fully encapsulated to ruggedize the electronics, and allows the V-Lite to conform to curved surfaces.


The included V-Lite sleeve provides the user with a Velcro-backed attachment system, allowing for mounting to packs, helmets, and more. The V-Lite’s form also allows it to be slipped into PALS webbing.


Tactical Distributors – Cyber Monday 2015 Sale

Monday, November 30th, 2015


25% off site wide, with free next day shipping on all orders over $25. Use promo code CYBERMON25 at checkout. Discount does not apply to some brands, clearance items, and sale items.


Sparrows Lockpicks – The Vorax

Monday, November 30th, 2015


The Vorax is a new set of lockpicking tools from Sparrows Lockpicks. It is a 15-piece lockpick set which consists of multiple rakes, peaks, and hooks, along with various tension wrenches and flat bars. The Vorax comes with a laser-engraved SANDMAN pick, and is stored within a MultiCam Black case. The Vorax is currently in presale, with a release date of December 4th.


Thyrm Christmas Sale

Sunday, November 29th, 2015


Who Served During The 1980s?

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

To be sure, military service during the 1980s was a lot simpler. We knew where America stood on the world stage and we knew who our enemies were.


I joined the USAR in 1985 and transitioned to the Regular Army after graduating from High School in 1986, eventually serving in the 3rd Infantry Division from 88-90. How many other Cold Warriors do we have out there?

Gerber – Freescape Camp Saw

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

Here’s another great Christmas gift idea.  The Gerber Freescape Camp Saw accepts standard 12″ saw blades and folds flat for storage.  Unlike many folding saws, the Fresscape utilizes 4 pivot points to effectively cut larger diameter wood while using the full length of the blade. When folded up, the blade is protected and can be stowed safely in a gear kit or camp bin.  The bright green color makes it easy to find and the rubber handle is for a positive grip.

