Enforce Tac – H&K Unveils New .300 Rifles – HK237 and HK337

At Enforce Tac, H&K has introduced two new weapons. The HK237 is a .300 Blk/Whisper variant of the G36 and the HK337 is a .300 Blk/Whisper version of the HK416. Unfortunately, both are currently only intended for military and police markets and offered as full auto weapons, but the .300 cartridge is picking up steam here in Europe. Perhaps we’ll see civilian versions yet.


Below is a photo of the HK237 which is kept under glass with bright lights shining on it to deter photography. You’ll note the folding stock which features a cutout to allow firing while wearing a ballistic visor. Both rifles incorporate 9″ barrels.


When I asked about a .300 version of the recently introduced H433, I was told it was in the works.


10 Responses to “Enforce Tac – H&K Unveils New .300 Rifles – HK237 and HK337”

  1. Tommy says:

    I’m sure a company of H&K’s caliber did rigorous testing but I’m trying to imagine firing the rifle wearing a riot visor and utilizing the cut out stock, and everything I’m picturing is pretty awkward. Do you think they made that stock to meet some governmental request for proposals?

  2. jbgleason says:

    So is the 337 the weapon that is being used by the guys at Bragg?