TYR Tactical

Enforce Tac – SIG Optics Exhibits USSOCOM Squad-Variable Power Scope Candidate

SIG Optics had their contender for the USSOCOM Squad-Variable Powered Scope solicitation. It is a 1-6x intended for use out to 600m. It is seen here mounted to a SIG716-G2.


It is a variant of their commercially available Tango 6 optic, with final assembly in their Oregon plant. Additionally, they manufacture the mount there. The optic also comes with a throw lever installed.


Interestingly, it is a second focal plane scope. The contract had a small business set aside for first focal plane submissions, while the second focal plane versions are a full and open competition. If you’re wondering why there’s even a second focal plane option, it’s because the customer wanted the dot to be crisp and visible, even in full daylight.


The optic is a red dot, with a SOCOM-specified reticle. At the intensity setting, you can lock out the dot.


Although they have not made a final decision on naming convention, you will be able to purchase a version of this optic. Options will include tube color, reticle and first or second focal plane.



18 Responses to “Enforce Tac – SIG Optics Exhibits USSOCOM Squad-Variable Power Scope Candidate”

  1. jellydonut says:

    SFP also gives you a wider field of view.

    FFP does not really serve a purpose in LPVOs. You’re only going to be ranging with the mil dots at full power anyway.

    • mark40sw says:

      jellydonut, i would say you are correct, but if there are customers asking for them then let them buy them.

      Like “jellydonut” i can not imagine trying to use an FFP optic at low power to range or holdover using ballistic tables when it can be adjusted to a higher power quickly. SSP is very nice for close in shooting in that the reticle is still bold at low power.

      I do favor FFP for higher power optics where when dialing down the zoom you still are using the reticle graduations.

  2. DSM says:

    Tango-6 line is full of good scopes. The only drawback is the size of the eyepiece assembly. It’s huge and usually forces you to mount the optic higher and further back to clear bases and actions. That’s in bolt rifle terms but in an LPVO situation that’s probably an upshot.

    Optics companies need to start making throwlevers on the magnification ring a standard item, or, at least a threaded insert to make the option to the user. Redfield had them back in the 60s on their AccuRange sights and some of the manufacturers have begun to bring them back as standard.

    • SVGC says:

      The issue with dedicated throw levers is it leaves you with one option. My optimal position for where I want a throw lever is different from someone who’s left handed. And I also like to position my throw levers differently than some people so that I can more rapidly go from max power back down to 1 while it being in the optimal point for leverage. The other issue with it is it limits how low your scope can be. Not an issue so much on ARs but has been for me on bolt guns, whereas with an added on cattail I can position it to clear a rail. Not saying integrated levers are bad, but IMHO they need to be done in a way to where if removed, the OD of the mag ring doesn’t change. Like how NF does it as compared to the new MK 5 line from Leupold.

      • DSM says:

        I don’t discount personal preference, especially a lefty vs. a righty type of situation but in terms of these low power optics going to 6x, or even those to 8x, the entirety, or a great deal, of rotation is going into that ring. There just isn’t much room for a lot of changing where that tail can go and not be a hindrance to mounting or weapon function. On 1-4s, it’s not much of an issue and on bolt rifles you’re bringing bolt manipulation into the party too.

        So, if they added threaded inserts at multiple locations on the ring, while still positioned to allow maximum rotation, it could still be an option to use one or not, or even where to position it.

  3. bulletdop says:

    Dude the crosshairs are canted down a little on the left.

    • SSD says:

      Feel free to hold a rifle with one hand and take a photo with an iPhone with the other one. Then, I’ll critique yours.

    • Robert M says:

      You mean canted as in not mounted true/square to the upper receiver?

      I think that’s what he meant, SSD.

    • mark40sw says:

      Scope looks square to mounted firearm. Firearm held a little canted.

  4. Joe says:

    “At the intensity setting, you can lock out the dot.” – What does this mean?

  5. Airborne_fister says:

    If you magnify the dot does it get larger too? Like if I throw a 3X mag on an aimpoint. Or is it like the EOtech?

    • The Evil Nadman says:

      No, with a SFP (Second Focal Plane) the reticule / dot is going to stay the same size regardless of what zoom level you are on.

  6. Soloman says:

    What buis are on that rifle.

  7. SpankDaddyCool says:

    Second focal plane is the better option on an optic with a short range priority and mid range capability. In the perfect world u would have second and first. first.

  8. Sfp says:

    Looks like the Geisele mount