TYR Tactical

B&T RBS Reduced Backpressure Suppressor

As sensible as the use of silencers is in police and military applications, the escape of the retained gases from the ejection port is irritating for the shooter and has disadvantages in combat. B&T successfully solved this problem as early as 2013 when designing the MP9 suppressor with the invention of the low-pressure expansion chamber. Since the gases ejected backwards when firing a large numbers of shots with assault rifles or machine guns make it difficult for the shooter to breathe, B&T has now transferred the principle of the low-pressure expansion chamber to suppressor’s assault rifles and machine guns. The RBS suppressor significantly reduces the combustion gases ejected from the ejection window. The low-pressure expansion chamber only minimally increases the size and weight of the silencer compared to conventional silencers, while muzzle flash and noise are suppressed similarly well as with the proven B&T suppressors.

The RBS is available in calibers 5.56 (.223) and 7.62 (.308) each in a direct mountable version for various muzzle threads as well as with a newly developed quick release fitting all NATO A2 muzzle flash hiders.


This was intended as an IWA release and will roll out in Europe first. Not available in the Us yet.

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