
Contract Dispute Delays Fielding of New Dutch Combat Uniforms, Interim Solution Selected

According to the Dutch Ministry of Defense, a contract dispute for new combat uniforms for the Dutch Army (Koninklijke Landmacht) and ensuing analysis of tender documents has led to the withdrawal of a contract award to manufacture them. The newly designed uniforms, developed as part of the Defensie Operationeel Kleding Systeem (Defense Operational Clothing System) or DOKS program, were intended to be fielded in 2023, but now that plan has been pushed back.

Instead, the Dutch forces will continue to field MultiCam Combat clothing for those troops deploying to contingency areas.

Additionally, non-deploying Dutch Army personnel will be issued an improved interim clothing package in the new national camouflage, the Netherlands Fractal Pattern M-19. NFP is available in several colorations.

This ensemble will be based on the Dutch Marine uniform seen above which is currently offered in M81 Woodland. It combines the new NFP fabric with the Marine cut, utilizing a material substitution in current contracts. Fielding of these uniforms should begin by mid-2021.

DOKS also fields a new helmet (manufactured by Galvion) as well as other equipment. These portions of the program continue unabated, with helmets delivered in batches, beginning at the end of this year. Eventually, the full system will be fielded, including clothing in an entirely new cut.

Photos from Dutch MOD.

4 Responses to “Contract Dispute Delays Fielding of New Dutch Combat Uniforms, Interim Solution Selected”

  1. Ben says:

    It’s not just for the army, all Dutch camouflage will be NFP.
    Even the Navy will receive NFP blue camouflage.

    • Strike-Hold says:

      The Belgian Navy is also reportedly going to adopt the NFP-Blue camo as well. Which makes one wonder if the Belgian Army will replace its current pizzaflage with NFP as well?

  2. PTM says:

    Do they issue wooden combat boots?

  3. Ipkiss says:

    Note: the interim multicam uniform is made by Crye Precision. A logical option would be to give everyone that ensemble, however the costs were said to be 8 times higher than fielding the NFP in the Marines (not marine) BDU uniform (which is estimated at 50 million euros).

    The new helmet comes from Revision. A fitment truck will stop by all bases to let soldiers measure which sizes they need for the helmet and protective vests (supplied by Elbit, based on a Marom-Dolphin design). This is said to start very soon. Only after measurements have been taken, production will start..