FirstSpear TV

Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller Course

The Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller Course (SOTACC) is hosted by the 24th Special Operations Wing, which allows trains SOF from all branches and partner nations to receive their Joint Terminal Attack Controller certification. Students conduct special operations focused close air support missions from several types of aircraft.

(U.S. Air Force photos by Tech. Sgt. Rose Gudex, ST Combat Camera)

6 Responses to “Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller Course”

  1. Joe Schowalter says:

    What is the pistol shaped thing at the bottom of the first picture?

  2. Papa6 says:

    It’s great to see the good ol’ lensatic compass sitting next to all the high-tech gear!

  3. Fister says:

    When I was calling in anything I would you the high tech stuff. But then revert to the good old compass and map.