
Team Wendy Makes Waves With New Maritime Helmet Liner

New EXFIL® Maritime Liner System Offers Water-Resistant Protection for Coastal Operators

CLEVELAND, OH (March 29, 2021) – Cleveland-based Team Wendy®, a leading global provider of exceptional head protection systems, announced today the launch of its EXFIL® Maritime Liner System. The liner features sealed pads made from Team Wendy’s patented Zorbium® foam optimized to dry quickly after routine exposure to water.

The EXFIL Maritime Liner System is a drop-in system offered in two configurations: one for the Team Wendy EXFIL Ballistic and EXFIL Ballistic SL, and one for the EXFIL Carbon and EXFIL LTP bump helmets. Designed specifically for Team Wendy’s EXFIL shell geometry, the liner is available as an aftermarket retrofit system for these four Team Wendy helmets. Each system contains front, crown and rear impact pads, as well as a fit adjustment pack with four (4) shim pads.

“Wet helmet pads negatively impact comfort and add weight, and every minute they take to dry makes a difference for coastal and underseas operators,” said Mike Romanchek, director of sales and business development for Team Wendy. “The EXFIL Maritime Liner doesn’t absorb water and dries quickly while still maintaining the protective integrity our Zorbium pads are known for.”

Both configurations of the EXFIL Maritime Liner retail for $99.95 and are available for purchase on and through authorized Team Wendy dealers.

One Response to “Team Wendy Makes Waves With New Maritime Helmet Liner”

  1. Sunny says:

    Thanks Team Wendy. I know you receive alot of hate but this is the only maritime liner available to my knowledge! I wanted to upgrade my OpsCore Liner since a looooong time but couldnt as there was nothing interesting that doesnt soak up water. I hope that kit will work wonders, give the helmet a little better floating capabilitys, so the OpsCore BUMP may float on its own again.