
USAF Approves XGO FR Base Layer systems as Safe to Fly

Southern Pines, NC – April 7, 2021. The program office for the US Air Force recently announced the Approved Safe to Fly items for the specific fabrics and garments identified for the updated USAF No Melt No Drip and FR Underlayer Product List. Selected products on this list have a 3-year certification period.

The fabrics and garments manufactured by your XGO, have been certified as Flame Resistant (FR) products which meet the FR test including No Melt No Drip (NMND) requirements. These certified fabrics and garments are for use as under layers to wear with AF FR Uniforms.

Approved Items list to include:

These certifications constitutes XGO’s guarantee to USAF customers that our quality process will ensure the product will repeatedly pass ASTM D 6413 Vertical flame Test with NMND requirement, meet Berry Amendment compliance, and other program specific requirements.

Products can be purchased either directly from XGO at  or through one of our dealer or distribution partners.  Additionally, the products are found at Equipment Base Supply Centers supply shops, AAFES, and through DLA.

A list of our entire product line can be found at

Please contact our customer service at or to find the best supplier for your needs.

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