TYR Tactical

Warrior East 21 – Velocity Systems Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack

Velocity Systems’ new STAMP (Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack) is designed as a concealable medical kit worn at the small of the back.

With either inside or outside waistband wear, it carries Hemostatic Gauze, Chest Seal, Gloves, and CAT Tourniquet. Available both with med kit or just the pouch.

Units and agencies can procure Velocity Systems products shown during Warrior East by contacting Atlantic Diving Supply.

One Response to “Warrior East 21 – Velocity Systems Stealth Trauma Aid Minimalist Pack”

  1. BiblicalViolence says:

    I’m excited to try this out myself! It might work more efficiently than the ankle IFAC system though I’m dubious about the Pull The Dot loops for the sake of concealability; I’ve had IWB knife sheaths with those and bulge enough to print. Maybe if the planets aligned, a couple simple hook (velcro) flaps- anchor between trouser and belt*
    * I’m confident that enough of the readership and customer base use “tactical” belts with inner loop as a every day belt to merit.