
TacMed Tuesday – ARK Bag Configurations

One prominent kit from TacMed™ is the ARK™ Active Shooter Response Kit. It’s designed to provide individuals responding to active shooter situations with the equipment necessary to render aid and initiate evacuation of multiple casualties. The design of the bag and its contents allow responders to maximize the resources available on scene and does not hinder or slow down the clearing process of the structure or incident area.

A unique aspect of this bag is that it can be configured as the traditional ARK™, designed for multiple casualties, or the ARK™ Evacuation, which is configured with an evacuation litter that allows for a one-to-one rescuer-to-casualty ratio.

In the main body of the bag, the ARK™ contains seven ARK™ Casualty Throw Kits which hold basic treatment material and simple bi-lingual instructions for providing initial treatment. The throw kit idea was designed assuming that officers don’t always have time to stop and treat, but rather can ‘throw’ kits with instructions to those in need while they continue to clear the area. With multiple storage compartments, the ARK™ is not only for basic treatment. Medics maintain more advanced equipment in the side pockets for treatment of teammates if necessary.

The ARK™ Evacuation configuration is designed to significantly reduce the treatment and evacuation time of seriously injured casualties in a hostile environment. Rather than being stocked with Casualty Throw Kits, the ARK™ Evacuation comes with the choice of including a Foxtrot Litter or a Foxtrot DA in the body of the bag. This configuration provides the necessary equipment for aid and litter teams, combat lifesavers, and medical operators to treat and evacuate a casualty in one compact package.

If you are interested in learning more about the ARK™, check it out here:

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