RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SureFire Sponsors the ASA at a Tier 2 Sponsorship Level

Fountain Valley, CA – The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is excited to announce that SureFire is a Tier 2 sponsor for 2024.  

“We’re proud to support the ASA in its mission to ensure that sound suppressors become legal in all 50 states,” said SureFire Vice President of Sales and Marketing Jeremy Rosenberg. “Law-abiding citizens in 42 states rely on suppressors to protect their hearing, and we are passionate about protecting those rights and winning the last eight states over. The ASA promotes the benefits of sound suppressors while monitoring all legislation that affects their ownership and use.”

Surefire is committed to building the best illumination tools, suppressors, and tactical products, no matter the cost, to enhance the safety and performance of those who go into harm’s way.  They continuously refine, expand, and enhance their products.

“When it comes to suppressors, no one has a more storied brand than Surefire”, said Knox Williams, Executive Director of ASA. “We are ecstatic to have the opportunity to work with Surefire in our mission to advance pro-suppressor reform across the country.”

One Response to “SureFire Sponsors the ASA at a Tier 2 Sponsorship Level”

  1. Esteban says:

    Thumbs up to SF!