FirstSpear TV

Blast From The Past – “Shoot, A Fella Could Have A Pretty Good Weekend In Vegas With All That Stuff”

This never gets old. Is it wrong for me to miss the Cold War?

In my best Slim Pickens voice…

“Survival kit contents check. In them you’ll find:
– One forty-five caliber automatic
– Two boxes of ammunition
– Four days’ concentrated emergency rations
– One drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills
– One miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible
– One hundred dollars in rubles
– One hundred dollars in gold
– Nine packs of chewing gum
– One issue of prophylactics
– Three lipsticks
– Three pair of nylon stockings.

Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.”

-Major TJ “King” Kong

843rd Bomb Wing

Strategic Air Command

4 Responses to “Blast From The Past – “Shoot, A Fella Could Have A Pretty Good Weekend In Vegas With All That Stuff””

  1. Flight-ER-Doc says:

    If you watch Slim Pickens lips, he’s saying “Dallas”. But, between filming and release of the movie, JFK was assassinated and they had Pickens back into the studio to re-record the audio.

  2. Chuck says:

    i love this….. every time sir.

  3. Sapperldr35 says:

    There’s so many great scenes and lines in that movie.

  4. SShink says:

    They way he says “prophylactic”, iconic.
    Truly never gets old, thanks!