SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Ops-Core Visit – A Trip Down Memory Lane


Yesterday, I had an opportunity to visit Ops-Core’s new factory in Boston for a personal tour by founder David Rogers. I saw a whole slew of cool things but first, I thought you’d enjoy a glimpse at some of the items in their library.

The shelves in the lobby contain a variety of head protection items from a variety of sources, but the developmental Artisent and Ops- Core artifacts in particular, are awesome. In addition to a couple of OFW/FFW models there are also technology demonstrators with early versions of features that are now standard in Ops-Core helmets.

Look for additional coverage later this week.

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2 Responses to “Ops-Core Visit – A Trip Down Memory Lane”

  1. mike says:

    The Future Soldier pieces are really cool. Thanks for sharing these with us!

  2. Andrew says:

    I saw these, and immediately thought of this….