Tactical Tailor

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category


Sunday, January 13th, 2013


SenatorFeinstein.com is owned and operated by none other thanAres Armor, one of the most pro-2A companies out there. Make sure you keep tabs on the site. I can’t wait to see what kind of high jinx those guys come up with.

Stupid Can Hurt, All of Us

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Ok, I’ve tried to not pass judgement on James Yeager gun ban tirade but his actions have brought some serious heat unto himself, and by extension law abiding pro-gun advocates. I understand the frustration behind his sentiment, it’s his actions that are most questionable. After posting a widely circulated video on the internet saying that he would “start killing people” if the President enacted executive orders that would restrict gun rights, the state of Tennessee has revoked his CCW license. This is already some pretty serious business on the surface. But after reading this statement, I’d say that he is on double secret probation and being used as unwitting fodder for the opposition.

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately. We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons said in a statement to Newschannel5.com.

I hope Yeager, and others reflect on how his actions have contributed to a negative perception of the pro-2A community and consider any future actions in light of how they might be negatively perceived before acting. I’m not saying to remain silent or to not take positive actions toward maintaining our rights. I’m saying, consider any possible repercussions of your actions. Always ask yourself, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” There are positive actions and negative actions. Let’s stay positive people.

Pack Your Bags Pt II – James Yeager Confirms His Resolve

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

After posting a controversial video yesterday condemned by many (and received national attention), James Yeager has posted a new video that confirms his resolve to resist tyranny. He claims to have an “army” of supporters for his stance and we thought it would only be fair to post this new video in light of comments made here regarding his earlier video. He does caution against rash actions but stands by his earlier comments, clarifying what he meant lest he be taken out of context.

Lastly, Yeager calls for those who have ‘stolen’ his videos to take them down. For that one needs to go take a look at his Youtube and Facebook license agreements. He has given them and by extension virtually anyone the right to use those videos. And, even if he hadn’t, they have taken on news value and fair use is in play. The point of all of this is that it once again goes to show that you can’t run from the internet. It never sleeps and never forgets.

Travis Haley Speaks on the Second Amendment and Reflections as an American

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

We’ve shown you several different views on the Second Amendment and impending firearms legislation. Here is another that you’ll want to watch.


James Yeager Speaks Out on Possible Executive Orders Restricting Firearms

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

James Yaeger is understandably upset over Vice President Biden’s comments yesterday that President Obama is considering bypassing the Congress and instead imposing firearms restrictions via Executive Order.

Yeager is never afraid to call it like he sees it. The question is, does he go too far or is his sentiment shared by many in the mainstream of the pro-2A movement?

POF to Offer “American Patriots” Print at SHOT Show

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

POF (Patriot Ordnance Factory) recently commissioned Tactical Drawings to create a print for them. The result is “American Patriots – Defending the Homeland Since 1775”.

POF - American patriots

The goal of the drawing was to portray the Spirit of our American Patriots who will not bow down to tyranny – past, present, and future. The gun is a POF piston driven AR-10 .308 and the model is Craig Sawyer (former US Navy SEAL Team 6 sniper).

These will be available at the POF booth at SHOT Show.

McChrystal: ‘Serious Action’ On Guns Needed

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

It is my understanding that General McChrystal was never shy about his feelings regarding private ownership of firearms during his time in the military, sharing them regularly with subordinates. Interestingly, on the very day his book. “My Share of the Task” is released he chooses to go on NBC and share his position regarding private ownership of military-style weapons. While he has often impressed me with his ability to organize various elements to accomplish difficult tasks, he is by no means a friend of the Second Amendment. I suppose it’s probably good that he made his feelings public. It will allow both supporters and detractors to view him from a somewhat different perspective.

Serbu Firearms’ Plans For Dealing With Pending “Assault Weapon” Ban Bill

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

I’ve had occasion to use a Serbu BFG-50 .50 bolt gun for testing in my previous life developing and testing vehicle armor. They are great folks, provide great tech support and build a great gun. Full of greatness all around. They posted these words on their Facebook wall and I’d say that most companies in the firearms and accessory business echo their sentiment. Remember, whatever has the serial number is the gun. In most cases (AR-style guns) this is a lower receiver, but not always. If you don’t already have one of the dreaded “assault weapons” and can’t afford a full gun, but want one, try to get a mil-spec lower. That’s the gun as far as the law is concerned.

Tampa, FL—January 3, 2013: Folks, it’s tragic that a bunch of very young children were murdered by a deranged maniac with a gun. It’s worse that instead of truly addressing a problem that has nothing to do with “assault weapons”, the proposed fix from Congress is a ban on “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines. Please note that the killer’s AR-15 rifle, which was one of the three firearms used to kill the children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary school, wasn’t even considered an assault weapon under CT state law. Regardless, with the typical “never let a tragedy to go waste” mentality, Senator Diane Feinstein is set to introduce her flagship “assault weapon” ban legislation today. We’ve read the proposed features of this bill, and it’s a dream for gun-grabbers, a nightmare for anyone else. Adding what could amount to tens of millions of new firearms to the National Firearms Act registry (which was started in 1934) would be a virtually impossible task for the BATFE. They currently have around 170,000 machine guns to track in that registry, and as anyone who has been in this business for any length of time can tell you, it’s a far from perfect database. Add to that massive non-compliance, oh, and the fact that no criminals would ever turn in the “tools of their trade” and you have a recipe for a giant snafu that will accomplish nothing. Well, except that it already has accomplished something and that’s to generate huge, record sales for anyone producing anything that’s destined to be banned. While we have yet to see if we’re “lucky” enough to have a gun which has actually made the list, we know that our BFG-50A will be banned because of features. And our AR-15 receivers, which we just started producing barely a month ago, are, of course, to be banned.

The bottom line is that just like the situation in 2003 where we were facing a ban on the .50 BMG rifle in California, we’re working our butts off to produce as many BFG-50A rifles as we can. And just like then, we will be producing LOTS of bare receivers, as well. The price of a bare BFG-50A receiver is $1250 retail. Should this ban become law this is the cheapest and quickest way to be in legal possession of a BFG-50A before it takes effect. The receiver can be sent back to us for completion in the future. I personally think the bill is far too far-reaching and will never pass as written. But I think the gun-grabbers will get something passed, so we’re playing it safe just in case. Please call your congressmen and senators and tell them to vote against this mess!! Thanks to my current customers for keeping me at a job I love for the past 16 years and to my future customers for keeping it going!

Mark Serbu – Livin’ the dream! 😉