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Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

ASA’s Newest Tier 1 Sponsor: Elevated Silence

Sunday, May 21st, 2023

Santa Rosa Beach, FL: The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is pleased to announce that Elevated Silence has increased their sponsorship to ASA’s highest Tier 1 level for 2023. They join Silencer Shop as ASA’s second Tier 1 sponsor.

Jim Hood, Founder and CEO of Elevated Silence speaks to their Tier 1 Sponsorship of the American Suppressor Association, “We’re investing in ASA’s future, which is Elevated’s future. Securing the rights of law-abiding firearms owners to purchase, possess, and use suppressors is common sense. It’s foundational to our country, to the market, and to this entire industry’s success. ASA’s hard work makes this possible, and we’re proud to support Knox and the team. We pride ourselves in punching above our weight, and hope the rest of the industry will match us in support of the fight for our industry and our Second Amendment rights.”


— Jim Hood, Founder and CEO of Elevated Silence

The search for a suppressor that does it all led gun enthusiast and businessman Jim Hood to one thought – if you can’t buy it, then build it. Jim founded Elevated Silence and developed a multi chamber technology that effectively redirects gas away from the bullet as it travels through the length of the suppressor. This in turn yields the absolute minimal effects on bullet trajectory and stability, which in turn yields a consistently accurate suppressor over a myriad of calibers and weapons systems.

“Elevated Silence may not be a household name just yet, but their commitment to suppressor advocacy and the Second Amendment is second to none. As ASA’s newest Tier 1 sponsor, they are putting their money where their mouth is, joining Silencer Shop as one of ASA’s top supporters. Jim and the team he has assembled are masters of their craft, with an assortment of world-class suppressors in their catalog. We expect big things from Elevated Silence, and are thrilled to continue building our partnership with them,” said Knox Williams, President and Executive Director of ASA.

Aero Precision Filed Lawsuit Against Washington State Assault Weapons Ban

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

Tacoma, WA – Due to the passage of House Bill 1240 by the Washington Legislature and Governor Jay Inslee signing it in to law on 4/25/23, Aero Precision has filed a lawsuit in con- junction with several other plaintiffs to combat this overreaching legislation, seeking tempo- rary and permanent injunction based on the unconstitutionality of this law.

The case was filed on 4/25/23 in the Eastern District of Washington, U.S. District Court. Plaintiffs include Aero Precision LLC , Amanda Banta (2012 Olympian Sport Shooter), Sharp Shooting Indoor Range & Gun Shop, The Range LLC, and the National Shooting Sports Foun- dation. The complaint is filed against defendants Robert W. Ferguson, Attorney General of Washington State, and John R. Batiste, Chief of the Washington State Patrol.

“We do not agree with this law and we do not think it is constitutional,” said Scott Dover, CEO of Aero Precision. “HB1240 bans some of the most common firearms and parts available. It impacts the lawful ownership of products we manufacture and sell to thousands of our cus- tomers in the State of Washington. It also restricts the rights of the individuals, Aero Preci- sion employees, who make these parts. We will fight this law in the courts and are confident in the outcome given the clear rulings in multiple Supreme Court cases, including Heller and Bruen.”

CAVEAT EMPTOR: Self-Defense Liability Coverage Providers

Sunday, March 19th, 2023

Caveat Emptor – the phrase is not just for physical products. It applies just as much to training, education, and legal protection. That includes what is commonly referred to as CCW insurance.

Flagstaff, AZ 

In simplest terms, CCW insurance is financial protection against the costs of possible criminal prosecution and/or civil lawsuits if you employ deadly force in self-defense or the defense of your family.


CCW Insurance Providers…Or No?

Recently Ryan Cleckner, a veteran of the 75th Ranger Regiment turned attorney who taught Constitutional law courses at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, wrote an analysis of concealed carry insurance providers. Among other things, he looked at such details as:

  • Coverage of criminal defense cost
  • The right to choose your own attorney
  • The provision of money up front
  • Availability of a daily allowance/per diem to replace lost income
  • Coverage of civil defense cost
  • Coverage of administrative cost
  • Coverage of Private Investigator fees
  • Coverage of expert witnesses
  • Bail bond coverage
  • Types of legal weapons covered


Ryan Cleckner testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform and Antitrust on the topic of “Reining in the Administrative State: Reclaiming Congress’s Legislative Power.”

Ryan Cleckner testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform and Antitrust on the topic of “Reining in the Administrative State: Reclaiming Congress’s Legislative Power.”


While researching the details of numerous prominent CCW insurance programs and comparing them, Cleckner realized several things. Three of them are of great significance.

  1. Many of these companies are “Self-Defense Liability providers”, now what you normally think of when you hear insurance: Many, if not most, “insurance” plans available for the CCW niche aren’t insurance plans at all. They’re either pre-paid legal coverage or self-defense liability plans.
  2. Some of these programs are not their “own” programs. They are white-labeled plans from other providers. What they claim to cover may not always equate to what they actually cover, though that disparity might be more misunderstanding-disconnect than intentional corporate animus
  3. You should always read the fine print: and be cognizant of the fact that your “insurance” provider might not have read it themselves.

Cleckner says, “It’s difficult, if not impossible, to determine what self-defense liability (CCW insurance) is best for any person and their specific situation and needs. Much like I can’t determine what level of coverage you need for homeowners insurance, I can’t tell you which firearms legal protection option to get.”

You can still perform due diligence, however, and while ultimately the decisions of if and which are yours, that comparison is a good place to start.


Self-Defense Financial Risks of Lethal Force

The two main financial risks after using your firearm in self-defense are the costs of defending yourself in a criminal trial (if you are prosecuted by law enforcement) and/or in a civil trial (if you are sued by someone).

A shooting you believe was justified may still result in prosecution or a lawsuit. Either the evidence doesn’t clearly exonerate you, an anti-gun prosecutor wants to make an example of you, an outraged, grieving, disbelieving, or just opportunistic family might file suit against you, or something else.

This may (and frequently does) occur regardless of the ultimate legal ruling on your shooting.

In the meantime, you may need bail money to get out of jail. You might need to hire a criminal defense attorney. You could have to deal with multiple lawsuits, particularly if a civil judgement is made against you. It is not unreasonable for a criminal defense case to cost a few hundred thousand dollars or more. Then there is the matter of lost wages/income suffered while the trials are ongoing.

You will incur those costs even if you “win” the case(s).




One Provider’s Response: Improvements Made

One good thing that’s resulted from Cleckner’s study is the successful efforts by Right to Bear.

After a very critical review in the initial comparison, Right to Bear Insurance received the worst rating possible on the Gun University scale. They received an F, just like what you get in grade school.

However , after much communication with Cleckner and others, Right to Bear has claimed the “Best Value” spot, with an A.

Says Cleckner, “Right to Bear received a bad grade out of the gate. Thankfully, [they were] open to all our previous critiques and…changed their policy and coverage to address each and every single one.”

Does that mean Right to Bear is the program for you? Not necessarily. It’s not at the top of the GU recommended list. It’s just redeemed itself and earned a top score in the budget category; maybe that’s what you can afford. Maybe you want more options and more thorough coverage.


CCW Insurance: Caveat Emptor

CCW insurance is a small cost per month as protection against an insurmountable cost later – it certainly could be worth the expense. Do you need it? If so, what company should you choose?

Start with the GU study and begin the process of making an informed decision.


Ryan Cleckner
Co-Founder, Gun University
1/75 Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment 1998-2003
Juris Doctorate (J.D.) Quinnipiac University School of Law
Author, The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Precision Rifle Shooting


Ryan Cleckner in Asadabad 2002

Ryan Cleckner in Asadabad 2002

Brownells Donates $22,222 to National and State Gun Rights Organizations

Monday, March 13th, 2023

GRINNELL, Iowa (March 9, 2023) — Brownells donated $22,222 to three different gun rights organizations as part of the second annual 2A Day celebration held on February 22, 2023.

The organizations receiving a $22,222 check are the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the Iowa Firearms Coalition.

“As an advocate for the Second Amendment, Brownells takes great pride in supporting the fundamental right of individuals to own firearms,” said Brownells CEO Pete Brownell. “We believe responsible gun ownership is essential to safeguard the liberties and freedoms of all Americans. That’s why we are honored to contribute $22,222 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the Iowa Firearms Coalition.”

Recently, the Second Amendment Foundation has been involved in lawsuits against the ATF’s attempts to regulate items that are not firearms as if they were firearms, New York’s attempt to largely ban concealed carry, and bans on semiautomatic firearms in Illinois.

Gun Owners of America filed suit over the ATF’s attempt to ban pistol braces as well as against anti-gun laws in New York and Oregon.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition helped Iowa amend its state constitution with a guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms and is supporting a state bill that would allow gun owners to keep their carry firearms in their cars when parked at locations that ban carry inside.

To learn more about how Brownells advocates for the 2nd Amendment and encourages customers to live a 2A lifestyle visit the Trigger Times page at Brownells.com.

SIG SAUER Reinstated On Instagram

Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

With no explanation, SIG SAUER’s Instagram account was reinstated after being placed in indefinite suspension on Sunday.

It’s great to see they are back but it would be even better if Meta, the owners of IG and Facebook didn’t go after the firearms industry.

Brownells Invites Americans to Celebrate Second Annual 2A Day, 2-22-23

Monday, February 13th, 2023

GRINNELL, Iowa (February 13, 2023) — Brownells invites freedom loving people all across the United States to celebrate, advocate and join in the rights and liberties guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights during the second annual 2A Day on 2-22-23

Smith & Wesson is the co-presenting sponsor for 2A Day 2023. Other sponsors include CCI, Federal, Fiocchi, Henry Repeating Arms, SIG Sauer, Remington and Winchester. 

2A Day offers three ways for participants to engage with their uniquely American Second Amendment rights.


Brownells is partnering with ranges –both in Iowa and across the country – to host 2A Day range sessions, with free range time and limited free ammo for celebrants.

To find a participating range nearby, visit the Brownells 2A Day web page. Those interested should contact the range of their choice to ensure they have a time and lane in which to shoot.

Brownells encourages 2A Day supporters unable to attend a participating range to shoot at a range near them, or to work on building a gun at home. All are encouraged to post photos and short videos of their own 2A Day celebrations on social media with the hashtag #2ADay.

Brownells employees will have a chance to shoot on 2A Day at the Iowa range location.


Brownells encourages all gun owners to advocate for the 2nd Amendment by contacting their state and federal lawmakers and urging them to support gun rights. The Brownells 2A Day web page will include links showing how to find and contact legislators, and how to communicate effectively with them.


On 2A Day, Brownells encourages Second Amendment supporters to join both a national and a state-level organization promoting gun rights.

The 2A Day page will link to both the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America as national organizations.

For state-level organizations, the 2A Day page will link directly to the Iowa Firearms Coalition, and also offer a clickable map of the United States with a link to an organization in each state.

In the spirit of joining, Brownells will donate $22,222 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the Iowa Firearms Coalition.

To learn more, visit the Brownells 2A Day page.

Assault on Firearms Industry By Anti-Gun Influencers Using Payment Companies as Weapon to Shoot Themselves in the Foot

Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

Strong-arming credit card payment companies to track firearms purchases is a smoke screen by the government and anti-gun activists and is perpetrating the beginning of the destruction of American citizen rights says Adams Arms president, Jason East. While true “bad guys” find a way around the measure, legal gun owners wonder whether targeting alcohol sales in restaurants and liquor stores is next.

(Brooksville, FL) November 07, 2022 — “Big Brother” is now tracking what they consider to be “troublesome gun purchases”. In mid-September, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) approved the creation of a new merchant code to apply to gun sellers for transactions using credit card networks. Adams Arms President, Jason East, points out the danger in this move. “When overarching organizations wield surveillance measures and disguise them as tracking troublesome or dangerous purchases, they are actually initiating the destruction of American rights – the Second Amendment is only the start,” observes East.

The change was proposed by the global Amalgamated Bank and came just days after members of Congress, attorneys general in California and New York, as well as major pension systems in their states strong-armed Visa, Mastercard, and American Express to help “tackle the gun violence epidemic.” (1)(2) Details indicate that the code will show where an individual spent their money but not what items were purchased.

As president of his Florida firearms company which has been in business for 15 years, he views the action as a way to monitor the legal gun-purchasing activities of as many Americans as possible and limit the channels they have a right to use. “What is next? Should Americans be worried that buying alcoholic drinks at a bar or purchasing liquor at a retailer will trigger an alarm that they are a danger to society?” asked East. Put in perspective, in 2021 there were 611 mass shootings in the U.S., and 103 people died. (3)  In the same timespan of 2020-2022 drunk drivers killed more than 10,000 people each year. (4) If the government were to seek abuse and problematic alcohol patterns by tracking the 2021 sales of beer, wine, and liquor which grossed $7,701M, they would be met with mass opposition. (5)

Agreeing with the observations of a popular firearms blog, (6) even in the smokescreen the new merchant coding unearths a number of logistical problems, according to East.

• Codes track expenditures but not itemized by product: how will that work at large multi-sport retailers such as Bass Pro Shops versus a small dealer?

• Who will scrutinize the algorithmic results? And who will have the manpower to police the results?

• Most firearms purchases are completely legal, and buyers will likely distrust the financial system, moving to strictly cash purchases or spread purchases over a number of cards and gift cards tied only to a single store.

• Keep in mind that those intent on purchasing for illegal purposes may follow the same tactics. As is the case with most measures aimed at curtailing anything, the bad guys always figure out a way around it. 

For years Adams Arms has been a trusted source of high-quality, reliable firearms for the U.S. military and law enforcement in addition to sports enthusiasts. Adams Arms has offered a patented Piston-Driven system that is cleaner, cooler, and more reliable for use. “Our AR-15 piston system, historically a favorite of law enforcement, is seen for its technical merit and reliability. In addition, Adams Arms has developed a backpack with folding AR-15 stock customized for School Resource Officers in protection of children in America’s schools. In short, Adams Arms is there when it counts the most, which helps all users feel safe and in control,” remarks East.

A deeply concerned East comments “All Americans ? not just legal firearms owners ? should think carefully about how much control you want the government to have over your rights as a citizen. Make your voice heard when you vote. Financial strangulation will eventually pull the rug out from under everyone’s feet.”

Polymer80 Product Changes in Accordance with ATF Final Rule

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Last week ATF final rule 2021R-05F, Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms, went into effect. Polymer80, Inc., the company that designs and develops innovative firearms and after-market accessories that provide ways for customers to participate in the build process while expressing their right to bear arms, is a direct target of this new rule. Polymer80 wholeheartedly disagrees with the ATF final rule, however, in an effort to maintain a legal business, will comply with the unconstitutional regulations.

In accordance with the new ATF final rule, Polymer80 will no longer offer their popular 80% kits in the same configuration in which customers have grown accustom. Instead, Polymer80 has released three new options for consumers interested in building their own legal firearm:

·      OPTION 1 is an unserialized 80% frame with rear rail, locking block rail system and pins. No jig or tools are included with this product. 

·      OPTION 2 is a serialized frame that does include a jig, tooling, rear rail and locking block rail system. This option is the same as the prior 80% kit offered by Polymer80, but with a serialized frame.

·      OPTION 3 is the “Build Back Better” kit, which includes everything listed in option 2 plus a slide assembly. This kit contains everything you need to build a complete, serialized firearm.

Option 1, the unserialized 80% blank, is currently available for purchase at www.polymer80.com. Please note that shipment is not available to all states.

For those interested in assembling without drilling, Polymer80 will continue to offer their AFT “Assemble for Thyself” kit, which includes all the necessary components to build a complete firearm, no drilling required.

Polymer80 will also continue to offer their line of complete pistols, including the popular PFC9 compact pistol and PFS9 full-size pistol, as well as parts and accessories.