January 20th, 2020: VZ Grips® is proud to announce its new legendary giveaway; VZ Grips has teamed up with two of the country’s premier custom 1911 builders to bring a one-of-a-kind custom 1911 to life. Jason Burton of Heirloom Precision and Pete Single of Pete’s Custom Shop, each a well renowned 1911 specialist (and industry partners with VZ Grips) have combined their unique talents and skill sets to craft this special project.

Built on a 5” 45 ACP, Springfield Armory Custom Shop frame & slide set. The pistol is assembled with the highest quality parts available. All critical parts are machined from bar-stock tool steel or forgings, heat treated and checked for proper Rockwell hardness (no castings are used). Every part enjoys some custom touch, each detailed to insure proper fit and function. The entire pistol is softened and smoothed for comfort of concealed carry, then finished in a deep, rich, classic bluing. To finish off this amazing pistol build VZ Grips provided their new Hyrda pattern burl G10 stocks.

The pistol will be on display all throughout the SHOT show at the VZ Grips booth #2243

The duo merged their individual styles into one showpiece with the following work and features:
Jason Burton (Heirloom Precision) work:
• Flatten and serrate slide top at 30 LPI broad arrow pattern
• Fit Wilson Combat Bulletproof beavertail grip safety
• Fit Wilson Combat Bulletproof thumb safety
• Fabricate and install gold line front sight, blend to slide and serrate at 75 LPI
• Install Heinie Slant-Pro rear sight, reshape and modify for one-handed operation
• Serrate rear of slide at 40 LPI and blend to rear sight
• Fit oversize firing pin stop
• Fit and tune Wilson Combat Bulletproof extractor
• Clearance ejection port for live round ejection
• Straighten frame lines
• Complete hand-filed de-horning
• Detail prep pistol; satin matte blast frame with 320 “brushed” slide flats
• Blue complete pistol
• Test fire and zero at 25 yards

Pete Single (Pete’s custom shop) work:
• High-cut and checker front strap and mainspring housing at 25 LPI
• Machine frame for Chen Gen-2 mag-well with full radius bevel
• Install extended magazine release; angle back and serrate at 40 LPI
• Precision fit Bar-Sto barrel matching 1st and 2nd radial lugs
• Fit barrel bushing with matching muzzle crown
• Adjust barrel throat and finish ream chamber for max reliability and function
• Install bar stock slide stop, cut tracking detent for ball plunger to hold in positive down position
• True slide stop notch and bevel breech-face entrance
• Custom oversize ejector; relieve slide internally for ejector clearance
• Trigger job using tool steel action components
• Fit custom radial combat trigger; modified with Delrin glide bushings
• Squared trigger guard
• Recessed plunger tube in frame to give thumb safety positive on/off engagement
• Hi-Power cuts machined on nose of slide
• Machined slide for ball-cuts