RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Archive for the ‘Entertrainment’ Category

There Is An Underbarrel Flamethrower!

Monday, December 6th, 2010

On my Black Ops Weapons article, I claimed that an underbarrel flamethrower never existed. However, one of our readers alerted me to a model that existed as early as WWII. Created by the Finns, it was an underbarrel mount for the M44 flamethrower which was used on the Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun. While not entirely like the underbarrel Flamethrower found in Black Ops, this proves the concept still has some basis in reality. Thanks!

-Tactical FanBoy

Most Lethal

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

Are you an active duty or recently retired member of a special ops combat unit? Then you might have what it takes to join the ranks of the new Spike TV show “Most Lethal”. Looking to recruit 12 elite members of Special Forces both from the US and abroad, the show will test a multitude of real-world and unorthodox combat scenarios in a bid to see who is the best of the best. Set to air in Summer 2011, “Most Lethal” could be one skilled Soldier’s path to $100,000 and a Title. If you fit the criteria and are interested in joining, shoot an e-mail to sofsearch@grbtv.com and include some military background information and a recent photo. Also, be aware that you’ll require 45 or so days of leave (and your chain of command’s permission) if still on active duty.

-Tactical FanBoy

Ever Dream of Being a World Champion Shooter?

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

See what it is like to shoot from the perspective of Revision Eyewear world champion shooter Max Michel.


Magpul Dynamics Presents – Art of the Dynamic Shotgun

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Coming Soon

The American – A Review

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

Went to see “The American” last night and all I have to say is, “WTF was that?” The poster outside of the theater rocked, but trust me, you see all of the great parts in the trailer, minus the naughty bits. The sex scenes had more action than the action.

Ok, sure there are ample shots of Italian boobies and muff but you have to see Clooney in the buff as well (my eyes!). No thanks. Oddly enough, the “hero” of the story had a tattoo on his arm that was an amalgamation of the Special Forces Distinctive Unit Insignia, but the motto, “De Oppresso Liber” was replaced with “unintelligible ET VERITAS” which I take to be the the SWC motto but backwards if you replace “unintelligible” with “libertas”. All in all, soup sandwich. And then to top it all off, the main weapon was a Mini-14 that he referred to as an M14.

I was the youngest guy in the theater and the seniors in the audience either walked out or fell asleep the pacing was so slow. Pass on this one, and unless you have a fetish for naked Italian ladies or Mini-14s, don’t rent it either. Don’t wait for it to premier on network TV. Even though it will be free, they will cut the only redeeming quality; naked ladies.

I should have seen “Machete”.