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Archive for the ‘Foreign’ Category

Torso Heating for Dexterity in the Cold System

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

The name might be a mouthful but the concept is promising. Researchers at Canada’s Department of National Defence have developed a fitted battery-powered vest with a built-in thermostat. The system is designed to warm the torso to the point that the body can keep fingers warm on its own and negates the need for handwear as insulation.

The vest uses a built-in control system to monitor the wearer’s finger temperature, and turns up the heat when they’re chilly. This fools the core into thinking that the body is overheating, triggering an automatic response to send warm blood to the extremities.

Researchers have already demonstrated a prototype of the vest with Soldiers who disassembled and reassembled their rifles in -25° C conditions without difficulty.

Defense Research and Development Canada is interested in licensing the technology to the outdoor and sporting goods industries. Let’s hope someone in the Soldier Systems industry integrates the technology as well.

Interestingly, DARPA in conjunction with Standford Research Institute developed the “Glove” which does exactly the opposite. The hand is placed inside a cylinder with a rubberized cuff and a vacuum forms around the hand and cools blood which fills the capillaries. The blood is then in turn circulated through the body and cools the core. Performance is greatly enhanced in as little as five minutes of use.

Germany May Ban Paintball/Airsoft

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

In an interesting move, Germany’s ruling Social Democrat party is proposing legislation to outlaw all games in which players shoot each other with pellets according to a 7 May report in the UK Telegraph.

This comes on the heels of a shooting in Winnendon in which a 17 year old used a handgun owned by his father to kill 15 people. The SPD feels such games trivialize violence and risk lowering the threshold for committing violent acts. Proposed legislation would incur fines of up to 5,000 euros.

Soldier Technology 2009: Conference and Exhibition – London

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Soldier Modernization 2009

Now in its ninth year, the Soldier Technology conference and exhibition is the biggest soldier modernization event in Europe. The conference continues to expand each year and alternates annually between and American and European venues. This year promises briefings on a full host of NATO programs as well as, Finnish Warrior 2020, African Warrior and the Singapore Armed Forces program. The entire program runs from 30 June – 3 July and will take place at the Olympia Conference Center in London.

If any Soldier Systems Daily readers will be in attendance we would love to talk to you about providing some coverage.

For more information visit their website.

EOTAC’s Lizard Pattern Field Jacket

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

We told you that EOTAC has a couple of tricks up their sleeve. One of them is a new colorway. Last fall we dropped the news that EOTAC was working on French Lizard pattern. Initially, they developed the material to give their Field Jacket, based on the French Algerian combat suit, a proper tribute by reproducing the camo pattern made famous by the French Foreign Legion. However, as you will see soon, it will also be applied to other newly developed products.

EOTAC Field Jacket in Lizard Pattern

For more information on the EOTAC Operator Grade Field Jacket visit them on the web at www.eotac.com.

Strike-Hold! Logo Design Contest Finalists

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

They have condensed the field down to two great designs. Cast your vote to help our friends at Strike-Hold! choose a new logo.

British Spy Agency Searches for Real-Life `Q’

Monday, April 20th, 2009

AP reports that the MI-5, the British agency responsible for domestic espionage has posted an ad for a “Chief Scientific Advisor”. “Q” was James Bond’s go to guy for weapons, vehicles and other assorted gadgets designed to create mayhem.

Candidates for the MI5 job need to be at least 18, British or naturalized citizens who have “world-class scientific expertise and credibility in relevant scientific and technology disciplines, outstanding influencing and communication skills, experience of building an effective network and of creating a high quality team.”

While no salary was mentioned the hours are great, requiring only two or three days a week. So British Boffins get your CVs together. This could be your shot at the big time.

Great IWA Coverage at Strike-Hold!

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Our friends at Strike-Hold! have published some outstanding IWA coverage including pictures and background data on Defcon 5 from Italy, Germany’s Lindnerhof-Taktik, Tac-Gear and Heim Military & Outdoor, Britain’s Jack Pyke as well as the USA’s Eagle Industries and Condor Outdoor Products. For those of you have never heard of IWA, think SHOT Show in Germany.

DEFCON 5 Polo in Vegetato Camo

DEFCON 5 Polo in Vegetato Camo

Defcon 5’s polo in Vegetato Camo was my favorite piece from the article.

All in all it’s a great article, full of insight and the pictures alone are well worth the jump.

Ever Seen a $700 Pair of Pants?

Friday, April 10th, 2009
Acronym Tec Pants

Acronym Tec Pants

Well you can say you have now. German firm Acronym produces high quality softgoods with obvious tactical influences. While they have a great eye for performance fabrics including Nextec’s Epic and Stotz Etaproof high-density Cotton, the lines of their clothing may be a bit uncoventional to some. Acronym can be difficult to find but an internet search turned their products up in a variety of specialty stores both here in the US as well as abroad.

Check out this video on the features of Acronym products.

As for the trousers, you have to get a kick out of their version of PALS which they call Tec Sys webbing. Notice the black bands above the cargo pockets. Acronym features Tec Sys on many of their products including clothing and bags. They also produce a variety of PALS compatible pouches.

Acronym can be found on the web at www.acronym.de. Their site includes archives of past collections.