Archive for the ‘Fundraising’ Category

Behind The Scenes With The 2016 Hot Shots Calendar

Friday, October 9th, 2015

Each year, our friends at Edgar Brothers organize several companies and a band of models, to produce a pinup calendar in order to raise funds for military charities. We are media partners with Hot Shots Calendar specifically because of the great work they do to support the UK’s Help for Heroes as well as select US SOF charities. We ask that you continue to support these charities whether you purchase a Hot Shots Calendar or provide direct support.

This is a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the 2016 calendar. Please note, no military posts were infiltrated and no harm came to any self-propelled artillery pieces during the making of this calendar.

2016 Hot Shots Calendars Available for Pre-Order

Thursday, October 8th, 2015


Their brand new website is now live and you can pre-order your calendars.

UK and rest of the world- www.hotshotscalendar.co.uk


TacHacker – Macropatterned Fourier Camouflage

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

There is currently a GoFundMe campaign to evaluate camouflage patterns.


For this project, we will derive color and Fourier (background environment) data from the urban terrain of our local campus, use them to compose two camouflage patterns, and print both onto fabric. One will be arranged into a branching pattern designed to cut apart and segment the shape of a person, with both a micropattern and a macropattern. The other will be randomized, with a micropattern that contains a wide range of element sizes.

The team conducting the project is based at New Mexico State University and consists of Nate Turner, a physics senior and undergraduate; Joni Cunningham, a physics undergraduate, and Jacob Wright, an engineering physics student with a concentration in electrical engineering.

They’ve laid out a budget but I think the $1000 is a bit tight. However, it’s great to see students investigating camouflage performance. Those interested in contributing visit www.gofundme.com/tm37hdu7

Swimming for the SEALs

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

On August 28th, weather permitting, Sgt Brett Sobieraski, a 27 year member of the Rochester Police Department and a team leader on SWAT as well as an endurance athlete who has completed ultra marathons, 100 mile runs, and a double Iron Man, will attempt to swim 32 miles across Lake Ontario. He will start at Fort Niagara and finishing at the Port of Toronto. He is doing this to raise awareness and money for Navy Special Warfare families. In 2005 a team from the Navy Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) spent a week training in the Greater Rochester area. The Rochester SWAT Team assisted them by securing training facilities and became good friends with two of the SEALS, Master Chief Petty Officer Mark (last name withheld) and Senior Chief Petty Officer Thomas “Tommy V” Valentine. The following year their SWAT Team had the privilege of being invited to spend a week at a Navy base in Virginia. They were one of only 10 SWAT Teams ever invited to utilize their facilities. Mark’s and Tom’s influence has had a lasting effect on that SWAT Team to this day.

On February 13, 2008 Tom died during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) parachute training in Arizona at the age of 37, while preparing for his 10th deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was a father, son, brother and husband. He was also one of the most humble and genuine people Sgt Sobieraski says has ever met. Shortly after his death the All In, All The Time Foundation was established in his honor. The foundation fills the interim needs of surviving spouses and children of fallen Navy Special Warfare warriors. The short term and long term needs have been met through various organizations. It’s the in between needs, i.e. legal fees (wills, estate management fees, ect,), household and auto repairs, counseling assistance (outside of the military chain) and any other emergency that may arise when the head of household has been killed or injured. The foundation alleviates some of the financial burdens that arise days, months or years after the funeral.

Sgt Sobieraski has answered his top six most frequentky asked questions about the swim here:

1. Why? – Why the hell not! I was sidelined for a little after a 100 mile ultramarathon in April and began increasing my swimming sessions. Many years ago I spent a summer on the Lake Ontario and have always wondered if it was possible to swim across it. Another draw is that quite honestly I’m not 100% sure I can do it.

2. Will I be using any swim aids?- No fins allowed. I will be wearing a sleeveless wetsuit, swim goggles, American flag swim cap and a waterproof IPod with 18 of my favorite running songs on it.

3. How long with it take?- My best guess is between 20 and 22 hours. Using the front crawl (freestyle), my swim pace is roughly 32 minutes a mile. I have to factor in fatigue as well as pit stops (treading water) for eating and drinking. My plan is to start at 5:00 pm on August 28th. The lake tends to calm down at night and this will also limit my sun exposure the next day.

4. Has it been done before? I have found 54 documented swims across Lake Ontario. The first was done in 1954.

5. Will I be alone?- Hell no, I’m a little crazy but not stupid. The plan is to have a larger boat for carrying my crew and supplies. I will also have a kayaker next to me to help keep me swimming straight.

6. What’s the longest I have swam?- 7.5 miles has been my longest training swim.

Please consider donating to this very worthy cause. 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting these families. By donating you are honoring Tom and keeping his sacrifice, and the sacrifices of all his fallen brothers, at the forefront of America’s conscious. The worst thing we could do is forget the sacrifices of American heroes.

You can donate by going directly to their website aiatt.org/donate and donate with a credit card (please put “Brett’s Swim” in the specific event box. This fund was established and is administered by Tom’s widow Christina. She knows firsthand the needs of surviving families.

SOWW Announces Noctober

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015



Support Pitti Heerwagen as He Raises Money for the All In All The Time Foundation

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Meet Andreas ‘Pitti’ Heerwagen.

Pitti was born in the East when Germany was still divided and grew up to serve in the German Navy. He came to the United States in 2007 for a military exchange program. He fell in love with America and never left, gaining his green card. Currently, he works in sales at S&S Precision.

For 15 years, Pitti has competed in triathlons including five Iron Man iterations as well as over 30 other events. This time, he’ll be competing in the Maryland Cambridge Iron Man on Oct 3rd. In addition to the thrill of competition, Pitti will also raise funds and awareness for the All In All The Time Foundation. His other goal is to not let Drew down.

Although always in training, he’s had his sights on this regional qualifying Iron Man since January. Pitti admitted to being “Addicted to working out”, and currently participates in one major event per year to provide purpose for his efforts.

He reiterated several times that he was not doing this one for himself and he’s said that it’s made the training easier. Plus, he’s 40 now. He knows what he’s done wrong in that past and what works.

But there’s something more. Pitti recently read a book that has seriously influenced his training philosophy. He read, “Natural Born Heroes: How a Daring Band of Misfits Mastered the Lost Secrets of Strength and Endurance“. He not only has taken inspiration from this book, he has given copies to friends. He spoke with me about it, “It’s a natural born lifestyle…in our DNA. We were made for a time when you couldn’t just pick up a Snickers, you had to fight for it. You couldn’t eat four times a day.” To learn more about what Pitti was talking about, you’ll have to read the book, but I’ve got to say, it seems to be working. I’ve known Pitti for years but never seen him this lean, or focused. He told me that he is the same weight as when he was a young man starting out in the service. If there is anything personal about this race, it’s that he wants to realize his goal of qualifying for Hawaii.

When I asked if there was anything he wanted to add, he said, “I want to to thank S&S for allowing me to train hard.” Pitti isn’t alone in his commitment to this cause. Drew from S&S said that his arms are getting tired from giving massages every day.

Please join us in supporting Pitti.


Industry – Please Help Support The Homefront Shootout

Friday, July 24th, 2015

I was recently contacted by an old friend to see if I could help organize some prizes for an annual shooting event August 14-16, 2015 in Branson, MO.

Homefront Shootout is an event hosted by vets for vets, service members and civilians as a whole.

The event consists of seven stages. All-in-all they need a minimum of 21 prizes (1st, 2nd and 3rd place). In particular, I’m hoping a couple of knife brands can support the event with prizes.

If you’re interested in supporting, shoot me an email and I’ll connect you with the coordinator.

To learn more visit Homefront Shootout.

“Reap” A New Print from 30 Seconds Out

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

20% Of the Profit of the sale of this print goes directly to USAFTACP.ORG.


