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Archive for the ‘History’ Category

Korean War Veteran Receives Eagle Scout Rank

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

After nearly 70 years of waiting, Ed Soria finally received his Eagle Scout Award.

According to the Boy Scouts of America, Ed served in the US Army during the Korean War. Shortly before leaving for duty, Ed submitted his paperwork to earn the rank of Eagle Scout but never received his award, until last week.

During the war, Ed and 700 others were captured and taken as prisoners of war. Only 296 of those POWs survived (known as the Tiger Survivors for the Tiger Death March) and Ed was fortunate enough to be one of them. To this day, Ed feels strongly that his experience as a Boy Scout directly contributed to his survival.

“My Eagle Scout training helped me tremendously to survive in a very harsh environment,” Soria said.

While he believes that the award may have been given to his mother while he was gone, it never surfaced when he returned home from the war. He then went on to serve again in Vietnam years later.

68 years after submitting his final paperwork, Ed finally received his Eagle Scout award at his home in Lake Shastina, California. “Only in America, such a free country, a beautiful country that we have, can a man accomplish his dreams – as far as you can go – and it’s all up to you,” Soria says.

Soria says he still keeps in contact with the remaining Tiger Survivors. He plans to hang his Eagle Scout medals with his other military medal accomplishments in his home.

Vickers Guide – Kalashnikov Vol 1 Now Shipping

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

The Vickers Guides to firearms are high quality, coffee table-style books which give unprecedented access to some of the world’s ratest examples of iconic firearms. This time they take on AK and AKM variants.

-360 pages
-13″ wide by 11″ tall (approx.)
-Commercial quality, section sewn style binding which allows the book to lay flat
-Full color prints on premium quality photo paper stock
-Foil stamped, red linen hardcover
-Full color protective dust jacket
-Ribbon page marker

Larry Vickers tells me this fifth entry in the Vickers Guide series, “Kalashnikov Vol 1” is the best yet.

To order yours, visit

On This Day In SF History

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

On this date in 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) history, our 2nd Battalion was activated October 16, 1991 at Fort Bragg, N.C. The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) is comprised of a headquarters company, three Special Forces companies and a forward support company. The battalion was nicknamed Bush Hogs due to its original alignment with the Africa area of operations, but that came later. The 48th man assigned to the battalion, I was on SOT-A 305, MID/2/3 SFG(A).

Currently, 2nd Battalion is regionally aligned with the central Asian states with a focus on Afghanistan. For the past 13 years, 2nd Battalion has participated in both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. The Bush Hogs is the only Special Forces battalion in the Special Forces Regiment to have multiple rotations and engagements in combat while maintaining other operational requirements in their area of responsibility.

Happy 243rd Birthday US Navy!

Saturday, October 13th, 2018

You’ve had a rich history on the seas, on land, in the air and even in space. Thanks for keeping America safe!

To learn more about the US Navy’s history, visit

30 Seconds Out – Green Face T-Shirt

Monday, October 8th, 2018

I am a huge military history buff, particularly from World War Two on. As a kid, I read everything I could get my hands on and one of the most iconic images to come out of the Vietnam war was of a camouflaged US Navy SEAL, hiding in some reeds and carrying a Stoner.

Turns out, the photo, taken in My Tho Vietnam in 1968 is of this guy, Tom Keith, seen below wearing 30 Seconds Out’s Green Face T-shirt.

“The rifle I’m holding is a US 30 Cal. carbine that was one of the weapons we captured the day of the ambush. When you enlarge the photo, there is a hole through the for grip where a 5.56 mm went through it and the Viet Cong that was holding it. He was their point man. Photo was taken by a Navy combat photographer in 1968 while on ambush outside of My Tho Vietnam.”
– Tom Keith, USN Ret. Seal Team Two.

You can get yours at

USAF Special Tactics History

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Since we’ve discussed US Air Force Special Tactics in the past, I thought this video would be a good share.

25th Anniversary – Battle Of Mogadishu

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018

As time marches on, younger Americans step into the breach. It’s our duty to teach them about their heritage. Today marks the anniversary of a major event in US military history.

Additionally, the 75th Ranger Regiment was created on this day in 1984, with the stand up of its 3rd Battalion. Over 30 years later, the Ranger Regiment boasts boasts five battalions of some of the most elite warriors on the face of our planet.

But more importantly, this date also marks the 25th Anniversary of 1993’s Battle of Mogadishu during which, elements of TF Ranger which had deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia, conducted an operation on that city’s Olympic Hotel in order to capture key leaders of the Aidid Militia.

Unfortunately, during the exfil portion of the raid, a battle ensued which claimed the lives of 18 Americans and wounded another 73. Additionally, CW3 Michael Durant was captured by the Aideed militia. Fortunately, Durant was later repatriated and went on to retire from the 160th. Of the men killed that day, two would be awarded the Medal of Honor, Delta Operators Gary Gordon and Randy Shughart, for their selfless efforts to protect Durant after his aircraft, callsign Super 64, was shot down.

If you are unfamiliar with the events, one of the best accounts of the battle is contained in the book, “Blackhawk Down” by author Mark Bowden. Much of the information was serialized prior to the book’s publication in the Philadelphia Enquirer. Later this was made into a movie bearing the same name.

Please take a moment to remember these men and their sacrifice.

You’ve Come A Long Way Baby

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

This Is For All Of You Guys Who Think Your Gear Sucks.

This was the height of technology in the early-1980s.