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Archive for the ‘History’ Category

Early 1960s CONELRAD Attack Warning Messages For Radio

Monday, July 9th, 2018

As a child of the Cold War, I am always fascinated to learn about civil defense preparation for toe-to-toe nuclear combat with the Russkies. Here are some civil defense announcements from 1961 that would have aired on Minneapolis radio station WCCO in the event of a probable or actual nuclear attack.

July 4th, 1776 – One Date To Commemorate Over A Decade Of Struggle

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

We celebrate our nation’s independence every July 4th, but the creation of America didn’t happen in just one day.

Colonists started fighting the crown in April of 1775, declared independence in July of 1776, and fully established that sovereignty in September, 1783, with the signing of the Paris Treaty. It wasn’t until September of 1787 that we finally created a proper framework of government. Even then, that constitution didn’t come into force until 1789.

What’s more, we didn’t go it alone. France was instrumental in our revolution against England here in the Americas, while the war grew and spilled over into Europe, and even the sub-continent of India.


We like to wrap it all up neatly into a single date, so often pointing to this painting commemorating the event, but our fight for independence took over eight years of conflict and six more of politicking. It’s an amazing tale and well worth researching.

Detachment B-52 (Project Delta) Reconnaissance Tips Of The Trade

Monday, June 18th, 2018

When I joined the Army in 1985, most of my senior NCO leadership had served in Vietnam. They were men who had seen combat and we hung on their every word as we trained.

In the late 80s, I served in a LRSD in Germany. We turned to photocopies of a document produced by the Vietnam-era Military Assistance Command Vietnam Studies and Observation Group’s Det B-52 aka Project Delta called ‘Reconnaissance Tips Of The Trade.’


We poured over its 32 pages which were gold to us, offering guidance on how to configure equipment and conduct ourselves on patrols. Some of the information was outdated due to equipment changes, other data was not applicable because we faced a different foe, on different terrain. However, the basics remained the same. Around the same time, 1st Bn, 7th SFG(A) released an update called ODB-720 Tips based on lessons learned in Panama. Unfortunately, it was much more difficult to share information pre-internet and I never saw a copy until I was on a 3rd Group SOT-A in the early-90s.

The original is available on the web from Chapter 31 of the Special Forces Association at Whether you’re reading from a historical perspective or a professional one, there are still a few gems in there.

243 Years And Counting – Happy Birthday US Army

Thursday, June 14th, 2018


I’d like to say that the Army doesn’t look a year over 220, but that would be a lie. The US Army of 2018 is different than it was even just a year ago. Today, the Army enjoys a renewed mission focus, Soldiers are training for war, and is more effectively resourced by a confident nation.

To 243 more years!

Also, it’s Flag Day for those of you who never had the privilege of calling yourself “Soldier”. Also, Happy Birthday to The Commander-In-Chief, President Donald J Trump.

MAKING A NIGHT STALKER: A Special Operations Aviator Memoir

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Now on Kickstarter, “MAKING A NIGHT STALKER: A Special Operations Aviator Memoir” is a memoir by Veteran David Burnett.

Rarely do we get a look inside the 160th, but I’m pleased to mention that the author has stood by his NDA and submitted his manuscript for DoD review.

74 Years Ago Today, D-Day Marked The Beginning Of The Liberation Of Europe

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

General Eisenhower issued this message to those embarking on the greatest undertaking in modern history, the invasion of Western Europe at Normandy, France.


Thanks to all of you who were there, from all of us, for liberating Europe from under the boot of oppression and protecting not only our great nation but our Allies as well.

Pre-order “CCT – The Eye Of The Storm”

Monday, June 4th, 2018


This premium 9×12 hardback ‘encyclopedia’ is filled with nearly 1,000 pages of now declassified CCT stories and hundreds of color photos; it will be a treasured addition to your library, office or man cave.

Celebrating eight decades of Air Force CCT history; this chronicle is filled with now declassified stories of CCT exploits.

CCT: The Eye of the Storm chronicles the exploits of Air Force Combat Control Teams (CCT). It is told in a series of short stories – many etched by a cocktail of blood, sweat and tears. The Combat Control story began in Volume I with the appearance of the first CCTs; i.e., command and control teams cobbled together by the WWII U.S. Army Air Force [USAAF] for Operation VARSITY. VARSITY, the airborne assault across the Rhine; was one component of a multifaceted ground invasion leading to the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 7, 1945. The CCT story continued in Volume II, detailing the 21st Century fight in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). Included are several humanitarian missions; two missions of epic proportion in Haiti and Japan.

In this new book, subtitled Medal of Honor (MOH) the CCT chronicle continues, incorporating the two previously published volumes and adding stories of ongoing combat operations in Afghanistan; now America’s longest war. The earlier, self-published volumes targeted a limited military audience of USSOCOM forces, families and friends. This new book is an all-inclusive compilation offered in a single premium publication expected to reach a world-wide audience of US and allied military organizations, families, friends and military enthusiasts.

CCT has been a critical linchpin in thousands of operations over the course of the careerfield’s history, yet they are one of the least known Special Operations Force. Pre-ordering this book will help ensure their story is told.

This book isn’t cheap, but if you’re a true history buff, especially of SOF, this is a must-have volume. What’s more, it’s sure to increase in value.

US Army Shows Us How Soldiers Have Changed Over The Last 50 Years

Saturday, May 26th, 2018
