GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for the ‘NTOA’ Category

NTOA – Shadow Tech PIG 0311-G Tripod

Monday, September 25th, 2017

Shadow Works introduced the PIG 0311-G Tripod for budget minded shooters and departments. The PIG Saddle Mount and a tripod is $230 or $138 for just the tripod.


In addition to the Interchangeable spiked feet, the PIG 0311-G Tripod features a Removable Load Bearing Hook. Additionally, the tripod will splay to 11″ thanks to the short center column. That rotating center column also allows you to direct mount a HOG or PIG Saddle.


NTOA 2017

Monday, September 25th, 2017

The 2017 National Tactical Officers Association Conference and Trade Show is in Phoenix, Arizona. 

See Ops-Core at NTOA

Monday, September 25th, 2017