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Archive for the ‘weapons’ Category

FN America (FNA) Previews the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS) Developed for the Irregular Warfare Technology Support Directorate (IWTSD)

Monday, January 16th, 2023

FN America (FNA) is previewing an entirely new weapon system unlike anything you have seen at the 2023 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, called the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS), it has four purpose-built components:

• Lightweight ammunition family
• Improved Performance Carbine
• 25-round purpose-built, polymer magazine
• Signature Suppressor

All of these components were designed and purpose built specifically for this program, including the rifle, which was developed entirely from the ground up by FNA in Columbia, South Carolina. So far, FNA has not assigned the weapon a moniker aside from its program name. Additionally, the program added a belt-fed Assault Machine Gun.

IWS is chambered in the LICC, a .264 (6.5 x 43mm) round which was initially developed by the US Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU), Fort Benning, GA and optimized by FNA’s team.

Here’s an interesting aside regarding the naming of the cartridge. While under development by the AMU, the cartridge was referred to as .264 USA. As the ammunition underwent development, the working name was altered to .264 International in honor of the Allied partner co-sponsoring and co-funding the program. Eventually, the team settled on a simplified .264 as the path forward.

FNA developed the weapons and ammunition under a U.S. Government competitive RDT&E contract awarded by the Irregular Warfare Technology Support Directorate (IWTSD), a government office, which is responsible for conducting research and development in support of U.S. and allied organizations involved in Irregular Warfare. Although this includes Special Operations Forces (SOF), there is a variety of other government agencies with IW responsibilities who share mutual needs within this realm. IWTSD works with academia and industry to develop new advanced capabilities. Originally known as the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO), the name was changed to IWTSD, under the Assistant Secretary of Defense Special Operations / Low Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC) in 2021.

For the LICC IWS effort, FNA leads a best in class industry team consisting of four ammunition manufacturers, one magazine designer and manufacturer, and one suppressor designer and manufacturer.

The very name of the program is straight out of a 2016 briefing presented to NDIA’s Armament Systems Forum by IWTSD’s SME Jim Schatz entitled “A Path to Overmatch: Next Generation Individual Weapon System” in which he envisioned a new weapon firing a lightweight cartridge in .264 or .277.

In January 2018, IWTSD published their annual Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for a variety of new required technologies. One of those was LICC IWS. The BAA called for a carbine chambered in .264 USA with the C8 carbine as a baseline as Canada SOF is a full partner in this endeavor. The goal was to provide overmatch against emerging great power competitors and future threats.

On 19 August 2019, a contract was awarded to FNA and work began. The team evaluated the government’s requirement and realized something completely new was required.

To achieve the weight savings they were aiming for, the team evaluated a variety of cartridge types, ultimately settling on a two-piece, lightweight steel design with stainless steel head and case body.

This seemed like an odd choice to many. FNA related that …“stainless steel performs differently than what was initially expected with a new lightweight cartridge. As an industry, we understand how brass cartridges perform and behave in the weapon chamber. We learned lightweight cartridges behave differently, outside normal expectations. We had to understand the science of the cartridge technology and use its characteristics to produce efficiencies and performance improvements that are superior to brass”… said Peter Kurupas, FNA Program Manager for Infantry Weapons and LICC IWS/AMG.

Ultimately, the new advanced cartridge presents reliable chambering and extraction with nominal chamber pressures and high muzzle velocities.

Additionally, accuracy is consistently two times better than the M4A1 while shooting on the flat range.

When .264 USA was first envisioned, a big selling point was that it could be fired from an AR-15 sized receiver set. Unfortunately, like .224 Valkyrie, 6mm ARC and other similar-sized cartridges, .264 is on the outer limits of effective use in the M4 carbine. Worse still, between the size of the cartridge and size of the magazine well, there is no room for the increased wall thickness of a polymer magazine.  It was obvious a new purpose built receiver and magazine would be required.

Upon contract award, FNA began to analyze the challenge before them. They had a clean sheet of paper and the perfect conditions to create something new and higher performing.

Starting with the ammunition, the entire approach was a collaboration between IWTSD, US & CANADA SOF, AMU and FNA to establish the overall cartridge shape, capacity and performance.

A crucial component, a key industry partner developed a purpose-built magazine for the .264 cartridge fired by IWS. When loaded with 25 rounds of lightweight ammunition, it is equivalent in weight to a 30-round Magpul P-Mag loaded with 5.56mm ammunition.

As far as the weapon was concerned, something new had to be developed and quickly.

Obviously, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the timeline of the program just as it did across all of DoD’s modernization efforts. However, within 60 days, they had a design concept and drawings. Two months later, a printed 3D model was available for government inspection. Two months more and a printed metal version was offered and live fire tested. By December 2020, IWTSD accelerated the program.

The resulting design is something akin to an AR-12.5 in size, which seems to be the “Goldilocks” size for intermediate calibers. The AR-15 magazine well is a bit too small and the AR-10 platform is overkill, adding unneeded size and weight. However, if you are comfortable with a Stoner pattern rifle, when you pick up IWS, you will feel right at home although a few of the ambidextrous controls are a little different, including charging handle operation. Additionally, although it is a two-piece, upper and lower receiver design, it breaks down a bit differently.

IWS utilizes a long stroke piston operating system, which is something you don’t see as often in new weapons these days. This is paired with a three-lug bolt face for strength. Additionally, the weapon is designed to run without any adjustments, in both suppressed and unsuppressed conditions, due to the self-regulating gas block.

IWS is available in three field interchangeable configurations: 11.5” Close Quarters Battle (CQB), 14.5” Carbine, and 18.5” Recce (Designated Marksmanship Rifle) with the various versions weighing between 7 and 9 pounds, empty.

Features include:

• Full Ambidextrous Controls
• FN developed two-stage select fire precision trigger system
• Ambidextrous Bolt Catch and Release system
• Long stroke piston operating system
• Self-regulating gas block assembly
• Self-contained operating group
• Non-reciprocating charging handle system
• Continuous 12-o’clock hand guard one-piece Picatinny rail
• Operator selectable left and right side folding stock system
• Fire with stock folded capability
• Quick detachable and install stock assembly
• Multiple Quick Detachment points and MLOK handguard cap ability
• Single lever takedown for rapid field strip

So far, FNA has made 40 changes to the individual weapon based on government feedback and direct interaction with tactical unit operators throughout regularly scheduled Soldier Touch Points.  For instance, last summer, IWS underwent a User Acceptance Testing and Performance live fire Evaluation at Fort Benning, GA hosted by AMU with U.S. and Canada SOF participating.

Firing IWS on full-auto reminded me of firing a belt-fed machine gun. There was a solid recoil impulse to be sure but it was very controllable thanks to the how the design deals with recoil and the firing rate was a comfortable “chugga, chugga, chugga” I was comfortable with. In semi-auto fire, recoil was more of a push than a snap thanks to the operating system and two mechanical mechanisms incorporated to mitigate recoil.

The LICC Assault Machine Gun (AMG) being concurrently developed with IWS, is a modified version of FN’s new EVOLYS machine gun designed specifically for use with .264. Results from prototype testing show the AMG is more accurate than the Mk48 in full auto mode. FNA is also developing an alternative to the current Mk13 link. The lightweight link system currently in development is set for testing in 2Q FY 2023.

Although the BAA requirements document discussed a polymer cased .264, then under development, the FN team down selected and proposed a high performing stainless steel case design. It is designed to reduce the carried weight by 20% compared to equivalent brass cartridges, while achieving improved results in accuracy and performance over current fielded ammunition.

In addition to the more than two times increase in accuracy over the M4 carbine, testers observed nearly 70% more impact energy and lethality over the M4, while maintaining handling with a system lighter than 8.0 lbs.

.264 is already delivering energy on target, but they’ve still got room for growth with capacity to handle pressures greater than SAAMI 6.5mm Creedmoor.

Cartridge types include Reduced Ricochet Limited Penetration Ammunition (Non-Toxic Primer) for training purposes and a monolithic ballistic match ammunition family.

Although this is an R&D program, it is delivering a weapon system, including multiple ammunition types, which could rapidly be put into service and offer distinct advantages over currently fielded systems.

This Summer, FN America will deliver 55 LICC IWS in three configurations as well as, a limited number of assault machine guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition to the U.S. and Canadian governments. Already, organizations are lined up to evaluate these new advanced systems.

The IWTSD LICC IWS & LICC AMG contracts have capacity and allow for a second optional delivery in Fall 2023 for First Article Testing, an initial step in a transition pathway to large scale procurement.

One of IWTSD’s primary co-sponsors of this program is CANSOF and they’ll be receiving weapons and ammunition as well. Other foreign partners are keen on checking out these new capabilities.

LICC IWS & AMG will be on display in FN America’s booth at SHOT Show at booth #11860. Meetings are available for qualified representatives.”

US Army Changing Next Generation Squad Weapon Carbine Nomenclature to XM7

Sunday, January 15th, 2023

During today’s SIG SAUER Range Day, the Defense Firepower, it was announced that the Army is changing the nomenclature of the XM5 NFSW Carbine from the XM5 to the XM7.

Apparently, there’s intellectual property in existence for M5 and M6.

The Army selected SIG SAUER’s NGSW Carbine and Automatic Rifle in April 2022. They fire the new 6.8 x 51mm hybrid case cartridge.

See the New .338 NM XR338 Minigun from Radical Defense at SHOT Show

Sunday, January 15th, 2023

Visit booth #20241 for details!p

Meet the Optic-Ready VULCAN 9

Saturday, January 14th, 2023

The new VULCAN 9 picks up where the REGULUS left off. Continuing Lionheart’s record of providing combat ready, heirloom quality pistols, the VULCAN 9 answers the call for those looking for a refined, optic-ready, hammer-fired pistol for concealed carry.


• LHI Tru-Axis™ Barrel – Chambered in 9mm

• Optics-Ready – No Adapter Plates Required

• Rapid Engagement Grip System with Integral Gas Pedal

• Optional On-Board Storage for Multitasker Tools NANO²

• Optional J-Trigger and Bobbed Hammer

• Forward Slide Serrations

• Reversible Mag Release and Ambidextrous Safety

• Flush-Fit 15-Round Magazine

• Shipping April 2023

If you’re attending SHOT Show next week, please visit us at booth 41322 to get your hands on the VULCAN 9.


Coming from Magpul and ZEV in 2023 – the Folding Defensive Pistol-9 (FDP-9) & Folding Defensive Carbine-9 (FDC-9)

Friday, January 13th, 2023

Magpul pinky promises that their collab with ZEV Technologies, the Folding Defensive Pistol-9 (FDP-9) & Folding Defensive Carbine-9 (FDC-9) is really coming in 2023.

Check out the latest version at SHOT Show.

B&T USA To Attend SHOT Show, Industry Day & LVMPD Range Day

Friday, January 13th, 2023

Tampa, FL (January 13, 2023) – B&T USA will be attending the SHOT Show, January 17-20, 2023 at the Venetian Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada Booth #13210. We will be show casing numerous new and exciting products that include a vast suppressor line, our all-new KH9 Covert, SPC10, BWC9, SPC223, TP380, APC9 Limited and our updated APC rifle line — to name a few.

Media Day at the Range

B&T USA will be exhibiting at the 2023 Industry Day at the Range taking place at the Boulder Rifle and Pistol Club in Boulder City, Nevada on Monday, January 17, 2023 from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Please swing by for some hands-on time with our new line of pistol suppressors, our revolutionary Reduced Backpressure System (RBS) submachine gun and rifle suppressors, the new KH9 Covert and Limited Series APC9’s.

Las Vegas Metro Range Day

B&T USA will also be exhibiting at the Las Vegas Metro Range Day on Monday, January 17, 2023. This event is taking place at the Las Vegas Metro Range Complex located at 7600 E. Carey Ave., Las Vegas, NV. B&T USA will be presenting our Reduced Backpressure System (RBS) line of suppressors, as well as LE/MIL-configured rifles, submachine guns and less-lethal launchers and munitions. As per LVMPD guidelines, participants will be asked to present active LE/MIL credentials prior to entry. B&T USA’s MIL/LE Team looks forward to seeing you there!

The Return of Archon Firearms

Friday, January 13th, 2023

Dear friends and fans of ARCHON FIREARMS,

The return of Archon Firearms in 2023 marks three years of quiet development, extraordinary effort, and precise vision in bringing the exciting next generation of Type B and new Type D pistols into reality. Archon Firearms has assembled a strong team of professionals while standing up its own manufacturing facility in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Complimenting the upcoming regular supply, new US distribution has also joined the Archon Firearms team. The new distribution team, Archon Firearms USA, is tasked in providing customers and dealers industry-first service, and support on all Generation I Type B pistols and Salient Tier One Strike One pistols.

2023 will be a landmark year for Archon Firearms and all its friends and fans, we encourage all of you to join us in all efforts in the Return of Archon Firearms. We sincerely thank you for your passion and interest in our products, and support over the years.

Archon Firearms TEAM


An Alien Invasion Is Spreading Across The USA

Friday, January 13th, 2023

January 11, 2023

Laugo Arms Czechoslovakia, manufacturer of the innovative Alien pistol and its accessories, is proud to announce the launch of its new dedicated U.S. business operation, Laugo Arms USA, which will start customer support, sales of the complete product line of Laugo Arms Czechoslovakia with sufficient stock, and finally, marketing support of the brand associated with the sport we all love (USPSA, IDPA, IPSC, 3-Gun, etc.) within the United States.

“We are excited and eager to begin building on the solid foundation established by Lancer Systems as the initial importation partner for the Laugo Arms Alien. We look forward to increasing awareness and accessibility of the Laugo Arms brand here in the U.S. and to becoming more actively engaged with the competitive shooting sports community and the firearms industry at large,” said David Wollman, president of Laugo Arms USA. “Our team is committed to providing a world-class purchasing and ownership experience reflective of the incredible technology and quality that Laugo Arms’ Alien pistols are known for.”

Over the next few months, Laugo Arms USA will begin building out a nationwide network of authorized dealers and distributors. At Caesars Forum Booth 70143 at the upcoming Shot Show 2023 – taking place January 16-20 in Las Vegas, Nevada – visitors will have the opportunity to experience the world premiere of another innovative weapon manufacturing solution from Laugo Arms Czechoslovakia.

“The American shooting community and our new joint venture, Laugo Arms USA, are so important to us that we decided to introduce our new Alien Creator model in the USA,” said Daniel Selichar, founder and CEO of Laugo Arms Czechoslovakia.

Existing Alien pistol owners can expect the customer service and technical support division of Laugo Arms USA to be fully operational by the end of Q1 2023 and stocked with replacement parts, optional upgrades, and more. A custom accessories line is also in development and is expected to be launched within the year.

The operational transition from Lancer Systems to Laugo Arms USA will take place immediately following SHOT Show. We encourage all parties interested in the purchase of an Alien pistol prior to January 15th to reach out to Lancer Systems (www.lancer-systems.com) while inventory remains available.

For more information, please visit www.laugoarms.com or contact Laugo Arms USA directly by emailing usa@laugoarms.com.