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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Christmas Gift Idea

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Do you wish to relive your childhood of playing with little green army men, but you don’t appreciate the ‘little’ aspect anymore? Then you need the Frank Kozik Big Army Man. A stunning 18 inches tall, this Red army man features interchangeable hands that include a grenade, Thompson machine gun, open hand, or a… rubber chicken. Huh?

At $200, it’s definitely more expensive than your average platoon of miniatures, but how can you justify not getting such an ode to childhood nostalgia? Plus, if the color doesn’t quite do it for you, you can always paint it army green and complete the look. Get it at


Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Think Geek has once again contributed to the oversaturation of zombie products with their Zombie Attack Hoodie. Decorated with the battle scars of a survivor turned undead, this charcoal grey 100% cotton hoodie includes two front pockets, ribbed cuffs and bottom, topped off with a silver-colored biohazard symbol for a zipper pull. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to blend in with the zombie hoard after the eventual apoclaypse. But then again, is dressing like a zombie a violation of the Law of Armed Conflict? Get yours at

-Tactical FanBoy

Black Ops Weapons

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Being a ‘Tactical’ Fanboy, there’s something that’s been bothering me a bit: What’s up with the weapons in CoD: Black Ops? It’s like the devs over at Treyarch were salivating over some 1970s issues of Soldier of Fortune, said to hell with the game’s 1960s setting, and decided that Vietnam was fought with AKS-74Us and Galils. To Treyarch’s credit, there’s plenty of period appropriate weaponry, but for every M16 and M72 LAW there’s a FAMAS and Beretta 686 White Onyx double barreled shotgun just waiting to be picked up. Seriously, a hunting shotgun?!? Treyarch, what the hell?

And don’t get me started on the lame-ass “I can haz prototype?” excuse. Just because real life black operatives may have fielded advanced equipment and weaponry doesn’t excuse the use of MP5ks with modern-esque red dot sights, roughly a decade before the MP5 was even produced and reflex sights were patented. I also had to laugh at the following:

-NVA soldiers wielding SPAS-12 shotguns
-Every magnified gun scope is called an ACOG, even with the SUSAT and Swarovski scope
-Masterkey shotguns and flamethrower underbarrel attachments. Too early for the former, and the later never existed
-Any number of weapons even being in the game, including, but not limited to, the AUG and G11 rifles, CZ75 pistol, Strela-3 launcher, Spectre M4, ete.
-Other anachronisms and errors on their part

It’s fine that the devs wanted to put a little variety into the weapon selection, but a flimsy excuse is still a flimsy excuse.

In conclusion, there’s a big difference between being somewhat realistic with weapon variety, and making weapons available decades before they would be otherwise. Despite my ranting, I don’t mind using an HK-21 or Uzi in the game, but I’d rather Treyarch just own up and admit they did it because they could, not because of some lame ‘prototype’ excuse.

-Tactical FanBoy

Blast From the Past – Crazy Eric

Saturday, November 27th, 2010

This is still good, a year-and-a-half later.

Frenchman Eric le Fou or “Crazy Eric” carries over 1300 items on his person and has been called the “Human Pen Knife”. He carries most of his EDC in his coat but also straps “sub-loads” to his shins under his trouser legs.

Eric le Fou's Jacket

Check out his website for details on all of the contents of his 7 kg Schott NYC Jacket. I have been informed by a reader that this jacket may no longer be in production but may be found in a retailer if you are diligent.

Tough Guy

Friday, November 26th, 2010

You gotta figure a race named ‘Tough Guy’ is gonna live up to its name. Purportedly the world’s most demanding one-day survival ordeal, Tough Guy is the grand daddy of them all having started in 1986. Last year over 5,000 racers participated in the two-mile obstacle course held on a farm in Perton, Staffordshire, England. The series of races are organized by Billy Wilson (using the pseudonym “Mr Mouse”).

Like many of these other extreme adventure competitions, participants must sign a “death warrant”, which acknowledges the risks and dangers. Gimmick? Sure, but with less than one-third of competitors finishing, race organizers can’t be too careful. After all, the race has previously suffered two fatalities. Why take a chance?

Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. You get to dress up, and better yet, check out other people’s costumes. To do one even better, you get to see the ladies dressed up. So in honor of this once a year occasion we bring you a link to

Air Force Adopts New Motto

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

The Air Force adopted a new motto this week; “Aim High … Fly-Fight-Win“. I guess there was a tie since it seems as if they had two front runners, so they just picked them both. “Aim High” is an oldie but a goodie and I am happy to see it back. On the other hand, “Fly-Fight-Win” pretty much sums up the mission of the Air Force, that is except for all of those Space guys, and the Cyber Warriors, and Battlefield Airmen. So except for all of those guys, it is a good description of what the Air Force does. At any rate, it beats the heck out of whatever that last one was.

The Air Force; so great it needs TWO mottoes.

-The Ed

Special Ops Bunny Sees You

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Ya gotta admit, this is pretty funny.

The Oatmeal Shop via Gizmodo