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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

Chainsaw Bayonet

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something even better comes along. Obviously inspired by teh hit video game Gears of War, Aaron Thiel, an Army Infantryman, has invented an actual chainsaw bayonet. The 18-volt saw has been mounted on an AR-15, an AK-47, and even a semi-auto Saiga shotgun. Although it’s still a prototype, prospective buyers can purchase the bayonet by contacting Thiel via e-mail. It has a running price of around 300 dollars, “depending on options.”

No Wonder They Lost

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Some of you may remember the Darth Vaderesque helmet worn by troops in Sadaam’s “elite” Fedayeen forces. Apparently manufactured from fiber glass it saw only limited issue. Perhaps the idea behind the helmet was to make the enemy pause to say, “WTF?” giving the wearer enough time to run away. A badge with the words “The Lord, The Homeland, The Leader” was affixed to the side of the helmet. They bring top dollar in the collector’s market.

Iraqi "Vader" Helmet

A Spanish collector’s site has an excellent backgrounder on the helmet. Check it out here.

Two Things I Never Thought I’d See

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Although they share a name, one is a modern take on an old idea and the other is well, just plain different.

Ka-Bar Pistol Bayonet

The Pistol Bayonet from LaserLyte in conjunction with Ka-Bar knives evokes memories of childhood visits to museums featuring such oddities as muzzle loading pistols festooned with saber-style blades under the barrel. Pistols have been sporting rails for quite awhile now so I guess it was really only a matter of time before someone attached a blade. The 2.75 inch blade fits on medium to large pistols with rails and slides on and off with the press of two buttons. It features a Black Teflon coated carbon steel blade and comes with polymer sheath.

Delta Bayonette

Delta Assault Technologies, Inc. has introduced the Delta Bayonnette. Attach to the business end of a long arm, this non-lethal device stuns with 500,000 volts of electricity (you have to enunciate each syllable of that word when you are talking 500,000 volts). Consisting of a foregrip that attaches to any Picatinny/Weaver style rail and a DAT stun muzzle brake, it is designed to fit primarily M4-style weapons. Yes, those probes sticking off the end of the muzzle brake are the shock barbs. Please note: The product may not be legal in all localities.