SureFire XC3

9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0937

September 11th, 2021

0937 – Flight 77 crashes into the western side of the Pentagon.

US Navy image of the damage to the Pentagon where 125 perished in an airline attack against the building.

9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0903

September 11th, 2021

0903 – Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower of the World Trade center.


9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0846

September 11th, 2021

MSNBC-National Geographic still screenshot; 9/11 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City.

0846 – Flight 11 crashed into the north face of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.


America is at war.

0850-0854 – Flight 77 is hijacked.

9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0800

September 11th, 2021


0814 – United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 carrying 56 passengers and nine crew members, departed from Logan International Airport, bound for Los Angeles International Airport, with five hijackers onboard.

0820 – American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 carrying 58 passengers and six crew members, departed from Washington Dulles International Airport in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, Virginia, bound for Los Angeles International Airport, with five hijackers aboard.

0842 – United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 carrying 37 passengers and seven crew members departed from Newark International Airport, bound for San Francisco International Airport, with four hijackers aboard.

0842-0846 – Flight 175 is hijacked.

9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0700

September 11th, 2021


0735 – terrorists Atta and al-Omari board American Airlines Flight 11, along with the rest of the Flight 11 hijackers.

0759 – American Airlines Flight 11 departs towards Los Angeles International Airport.

9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0600

September 11th, 2021


0600 – terrorists Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari traveled to Logan International Airport from Portland International Jetport in Portland, Maine.

0652 – fellow terrorist Marwan al-Shehhi called Atta at Logan to confirm the plans of the attack.

Something Happened On The Way To The Memorial

September 11th, 2021

As you read this it’s officially 11 September, 2021, a full two decades after that fateful day in 2001 when the world changed. I expected to spend this year as I have years past, stoically grieving for our dead and vowing to never let it happen again.

But something happened as I made my journey to that place. Once again, America has been caught asleep at the wheel. But unlike in 2001 when we pulled together and screamed vengeance, our nation’s leadership gave it all away, abandoning not only our allies, but our citizens as well, to an enemy we have fought for 20 years. Worse yet, our President signaled to the rest of the world that the United States isn’t a leader to be respected, but rather a fair weather friend who will quit on you.

Afghanistan is once again ruled by a den of rogues, who will harbor terrorists. Worse yet, we armed them with everything from small arms to attack aircraft. Could you ever imagine Islamic terrorists trading in their AKs for M4 carbines? It’s happened, courtesy of the Biden administration. While most of the sophisticated stuff will be sold off, it will be to our enemies and the proceeds used to fund additional terror across the region and eventually, back here at home. We will pay for Biden’s failure for decades.

There will be no accountability. There will be no effort to regain our stature. Not until we wake up and restore proper leadership at home. Elections have consequences. Our chickens have come home to roost.

Over the next day, we here at SSD will memorialize the events of September 11, 2001. I pray that we never suffer a day like that again.

HENSOLDT Supplies Radio Reconnaissance System to NATO Countries

September 10th, 2021

Comprehensive situation picture through mission-proven COMINT technologies

Taufkirchen/Germany, 10 September 2021 – The sensor solution provider HENSOLDT is supplying a mobile system for tactical radio reconnaissance to two NATO countries. A corresponding order worth a two-digit million Euro sum has now been signed.

The system for monitoring and analysing enemy radio traffic includes digital broadband receivers, compact direction finders and high-performance software for real-time signal evaluation. The core elements of the system are integrated into armoured vehicles or designed to be portable so that troops can be supported directly in the theatre of operations and detect threats at an early stage.

“Responsive and accurate analysis and classification of radio traffic is essential for a complete tactical picture of the situation,” says Celia Pelaz, Chief Strategy Officer and Head of the Spectrum Dominance Division at HENSOLDT. “Our mobile and robust system provides the assurance that troops can rely on the support of the most powerful COMINT techniques in the field.”

HENSOLDT has been active in the electromagnetic spectrum dominance market for decades. The company has developed COMINT and ELINT sensors and provides integrated systems capable of reconnaissance and jamming to the German Armed Forces and other NATO countries.