
Posts Tagged ‘Camo’

Safariland Limited Edition Chocolate Chip Camo Has Arrived

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

Safariland®, a brand of The Safariland Group®, has announced the availability of a “Chocolate Chip” pattern camo holster. This addition to Safariland’s holster line offers the best possible retention holster options in an iconic camo pattern from years past.

The limited edition pattern is available in the following styles of holster:

Holsters are available for a variety of Glock, Shadow Systems, Sig Sauer, Springfield Armory, Staccato, and Wilson Combat handguns.

Chocolate Chip, more formally referred to as the Desert Battle Dress Uniform (DBDU), is a camouflage pattern designed for arid environments. Also known as the Six-Color Desert Pattern, it is probably best recognized for its service in the Persian Gulf War (Desert Shield/Desert Storm).

The pattern was originally developed in the 1960s, went into limited service in 1980, and was officially issued in 1981. It remained in service until the early 1990s and is now available on a Safariland holster. Models are available for pistols equipped with a variety of RDS options, a weapon light (WML), or both.


Order yours online now.



About The Safariland Group 

The Safariland Group offers a number of recognized brand names in these markets, including Safariland® Armor, Duty Gear and Communications, Bianchi®, Break Free®, Hatch®, Med-Eng®, Identicator® and NIK®. The Safariland Group’s mission, “Together, We Save Lives®”, is inherent in the lifesaving and protective products it delivers. The Safariland Group is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. The Safariland Group is a trade name of Safariland, LLC.

For more information about The Safariland Group and these products, please visit

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An Update On The Ongoing Polish Camo Testing Efforts

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Our friends at Frag Out! have provided us with a bit of info on the ongoing efforts by the Polish military to adopt a new camouflage pattern.

An official agreement has been sighed by the Polish MOD and Army Textiles Institute – WOBWSM to test new camo patterns that might replace the current Wz. 93 ‘Pantera’ pattern:

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Photo credit:

MAPA-A (light green variant)
MAPA-B (dark green variant)
“LAMPART” (from top-secret “TYTAN” future-soldier systems project)

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

This agreement was signed last November, with testing to proceed through June 2018, with pattern selection possibly taking place as early as July 2018. The Fall test have already occurred, with “Snowless Winter” tests currently underway.

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Tests are being conducted by WAT (Military University of Technology in Warsaw) and WITI (Military Institute of Technical Engineering), as well as MASKPOL S.A., a holding company of PGZ, the Polish state-owned armaments group.

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

WAT and WITI are conducting a decade-old testing methodology originally developed by WITI, which focuses on long distance recognition, where effectiveness of a pattern is judged by a group of 3 to 6 officers using 7×45 binoculars at ranges between 700m to 1400m.

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

MASKPOL’s testing methodology is new, and focuses on combat distances of 25m to 300m, using a group of 15 to 30 soldiers making individual comparative evaluations with the naked eye. This testing also incorporates night vision and aerial drones.

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Additionally, IWP (Polish Institute of Industrial Design) is also participating in the testing process. Based on photographs taken during the first two tests, they are using eye-tracking techniques with a large sample of participants to analyze effectiveness of the individual patterns.

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Alongside MAPA, a new line of individual equipment, code-name “DROMADER” is also being developed, regardless of final camo pattern chosen.

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Photo credit: FragOut! Magazine

Additional information: – The army compares four types of camouflage. In mid-2018, the Ministry of National Defense will select a new one. (Machine translated to English)

US Army Issues Update On OCP Transition

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

The US Army has issued an update on the pending OCP transition. This message validates what we’ve been saying about the bookend patterns as well as the transition to a Coyote Boot and Tan 499 Belt and T-shirt. The 75th Ranger Regiment is the only unit to be issued the new OCP ACU. Serving Soldiers will be required to purchase the uniforms with their annual clothing allowance. New accessions should see OCP in their clothing bag beginning in FY 2016.


Operational Camouflage Pattern

What is it?

After a thorough, fair and scientific camouflage tests, the U.S. Army is adopting the Operational Camouflage Pattern as an Army-wide base pattern for uniforms and personal equipment. The use of Operational Camouflage Pattern will be gradually phased in to minimize the cost to Soldiers and the Army.

What has the Army Done?

Camouflage – In 2009, after Soldier feedback revealed dissatisfaction with the performance of the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) in Afghanistan, Secretary of the Army Peter Geren approved the execution of a four-phase camouflage improvement effort. The first three phases, conducted from September 2009 to January 2010, resulted in the selection of Crye Precision’s MultiCam pattern as the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern for uniforms and Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) for Afghanistan.

The objective of the last phase (Phase IV) was to determine a long-term multi-environment camouflage strategy for the entire force, so the Army continued working on testing a family of camouflage patterns (arid, transitional, and woodland/jungle patterns with a single matching OCIE pattern) and established the Army’s most rigorous and scientific study of camouflage to date. The Army employed important lessons from a decade of combat experience to ensure the selection process was sound and thorough.

Soldiers deployed to Afghanistan will continue to be fielded with uniforms and OCIE in Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern until inventories are exhausted. In coming months the Army will conduct operational testing and user evaluations of existing Service arid and woodland patterns for possible adoption by the Army.

Phase-in Strategy Reduces the Cost to Soldiers – The financial impact on Soldiers will be minimal. The gradual introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern uniforms will allow Soldiers to phase in uniforms as their UCP patterned ACUs and OCIE wear out. The Army will begin introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern during the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 in Army Clothing and Sales Stores.

Why is this important to the Army?

Camouflage is a centerpiece for Soldier Force Protection. An effective camouflage provides Soldiers concealment which is critical for Soldiers in the close fight with the enemy. The Army will continue to provide the Soldiers with the best possible camouflaged uniforms and equipment.

What other related uniform efforts does the Army have planned?

To correspond with the introduction of the Operational Camouflage Pattern starting in the summer of 2015, the Army will change the color for the Army Combat Boot to a coyote brown color, and change the color of the belts and t-shirts to a tan 499 color.

This article was originally featured on the November 19th, 2014 edition of ‘Stand-To! The Official Focus of the US Army’.

The Science of Nothing – The Story of WL Gore’s New Camo Pattern

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Gore Optifade Concealment Technology – remember that name. It will probably be one of the biggest things at SHOT show this year but you can find out all about it now. Optifade has been developed specifically for the hunting and outdoor market but the information on the website is fantastic. It is presented in a Discovery Channel-style documentary format and I suggest everyone check it out for themselves. Of particular interest is the interview with Tim ONeil.

For more information check out Optifade. Not only do they discuss the science behind the camo, they also show behind the scenes at WL Gore.

NATO Camo Test

Wednesday, August 6th, 2008

This is a little old but interesting nonetheless. Apparently in November, 2007 NATO’s international research and technology group conducted evaluations of several camouflage patterns at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

The article can be read here at the Arizona Daily Star. A slide show of the photos is here.

Due to copyright issues I will refrain from posting anything but the link here. However, it is well worth your time to check it out if you are even a little bit interested in camo.