
Posts Tagged ‘Dale Comstock’

LTS Tactical Hosting Dale Comstock

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

LTS Tactical is hosting a 2 day pistol & carbine training course with Dale Comstock on 30 & 31 of January 2016 at the Tri-State Gun Club in Daleville, AL.

Dale Comstock’s “Everyman” Spartan AR15 Carbine

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Dale Comstock Retired SF NCO, former Delta member, contractor and author has teamed with Tactical Black Firearms to introduce a line of AR15-style rifles. For this article we’ll concentrate on the Everyman model.


-Fully adjustable Magpul collapsible stock
-Magpul forend
-Vertical foregrip
-Flip-up rear sight
-A2 Front sight, F-Marked Front sight post
-Custom Dale Comstock engraved 7075-T6 Premium lower receiver by Tactical Black Firearms (TBF)
-TBF Premium upper receiver
-Premium 16″ Barrel
-.750″ diameter F-marked front sight base with sling swivel. High pressure tested and magnetic particle inspected and then phosphate coated. -Carbine-length gas system
-1 in 7″ twist rate
-Chrome-lined bore
-HPT/MPI Barrel
-M4 Feed ramps
-M16 Bolt Carrier Group
-Carpenter 158 Bolt, and a full profile chrome lined carrier. Bolt is made of shot-peened, Mil-spec Carpenter 158 steel. Gas key is secured with grade 8 fasteners and staked. Bolt carrier is parkerized outside and chrome lined inside.
-Iron Viper Products ambi selector
-Modern Survival Straps Comstock Carbine sling
-HEXMAG 30 round standard magazine (where legal)
Note: 15 round available to Colorado residents – NOV 2014

Available in Black, Original Tigerstripe and Comstock Desert Tigerstripe.

Dale Comstock Introduces Ranger Hall of Fame Member Gary O’Neill

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

American Badass” author and US Army SOF Veteran Dale Comstock (MSG, USA Ret) introduces Gary O’Neil (CWO4, USA Ret), Ranger Hall of Fame member. Gary O’Neil is an author himself having penned “American Warrior“. Both books are worth picking up.

ZULU SIX Starring Dale Comstock, Jim Erwin and Max Mullen

Sunday, February 16th, 2014


A new movie starring Dale Comstock, Jim Erwin and Howard ‘Mad Max’ Mullen films this spring. As you can see by the trailer, some of the work has already been completed.

Written/Produced/Directed by Jeff Reyes with Chris De Pretis as additional Producer, ‘ZULU SIX’ looks to be a zombie movie. But with these guys involved, it might prove to be pretty interesting. Both Comstock and Erwin have recently been very active building their individual brands by utilizing the experience gained during military service in an Army Special Mission Unit but Max Mullens is no slouch himself. In certain circles he is very well known, having been recently inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame. Heck, he even boasts his own action figure.


Dale Comstock – “American Badass”

Monday, January 6th, 2014

This is a trailer for Former Delta Force Operator Dale Comstock‘s book, “American Badass: The true story of a modern day Spartan“. Although I’ve never met Comstock, we have several mutual friends who speak very highly of him.

American Badass

I’ve read the book and purchased it a couple of months ago. It’s a quick read and I really enjoyed it. I will tell you a couple of things up front. It is from a small publisher and we are seeing lots of these from former military personnel hitting the shelves. Unfortunately, that means I ran across some typos. It also means that it’s not what I would consider a traditional biography. It’s really more of a collection of short chapters describing various events in his life without any consistent arc structure linking them together. One chapter doesn’t necessarily segue to the next and at times they kind of jump around. Instead, there are what I consider several sections that are chained by periods in Comstock’s life. But, this structure also allow you to pick the book up and knock out a few chapters at a whack. You can easily put it down and come back to it without losing your place.

While the book may feature an unconventional structure, I liked it and I highly suggest you pick up a copy. It’s fascinating and can be quite motivating. For example, the info on his combat experience during Urgent Fury as well as the Modelo Prison raid is great and I enjoyed reading it. And in the OTC section Comstock discusses a visualization technique he discovered as a kid which we learn about in an earlier chapter. There’s also a section I can relate to having been a single father on active duty. Finally, I’d like to thank him for teaching me that the term “butt-pirate” is hyphenated.

“American Baddass” is a great read that will take you into the life of a guy you may have seen on TV or mentioned on FaceBook. But I don’t think the tale of Dale Comstock is anywhere near its final chapter and I don’t think he shared everything about his life that he should have. Perhaps one day, he’ll publish a sequel. When he does, I can assure you, I’ll read it.

Tier One Summit Webinar

Monday, November 25th, 2013

Dale Comstock and Scot Spooner

During the upcoming Tier One Summit Webinar, Special Operations Veterans Dale Comstock and Scot Spooner share their experiences in America’s premier Special Mission unit. During the webinar you’ll learn:

-How to build a culture of trust, accountability and autonomy. Boost productivity and profits by shortening the decision making process.

-How to strengthen your mind, master complex tasks through visualization, and accelerate learning exponentially.

-How to optimize your fitness level, regardless of age, and increase functional strength with performance based training.

-Proven strategies that accelerate the speed of goal achievement. Discover how to identify main efforts and create mind alignment throughout your team.

-How to train for the DELTA Selection course. You will get a 9 week program complete with diet plan.

-How to forge principal based leaders that maintain the quality and integrity of your company.

-How to quickly improve your performance in shooting, martial arts, and sport-specific skills.

-An easy way to improve your quality of life with proper diet and nutrition. Learn safe and effective ways to avoid chronic diseases, boost your energy level, and feel years younger.