GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Posts Tagged ‘Diggerworks’

Australia – Soldier Combat Ensemble (SCE) – Load Carriage Elements

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

We’ve heard a lot of talk about the impending Australian Army’s Soldier Combat Ensemble (SCE). Well, here are the details of the gear. all 640 pages of it.

Australia – Soldier Combat Ensemble (SCE) – Load Carriage Elements

Diggerworks – Cracking the ‘Nut’

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

This is officially my favorite Soldier Modernization briefing of ALL time. From the organization named Diggerworks, to the title of the briefing, this is just great. It also gives us some great glimpses into the Australian Defence Force’s fielding of the Enhanced Soldier Combat Ensemble in MultiCam.

Diggerworks is a “virtual organisation comprising agencies involved in soldier combat systems (SCS).” And, it is important to note that, “Diggerworks is not Land 125 rebadged.” This means they aren’t giving the program a spiffy new name but rather adding value by including more stake holders in the discussion.

Their mission is simple –

Diggerworks is to identify options and deliver integrated soldier combat systems solutions in order to enhance the capability of the warfighter

Moreover, they are working on Adaptive Acquisition which is something we’d like to see more of here in the US.

Adaptive Acquisition

– “Buy less more often”
– Enable change to happen quicker
– No longer is everyone to be equipped the same
– The close combatant is to be treated differently

Be sure to check out the entire briefing:

Cracking the Nut