Posts Tagged ‘DTRA’

JIDA Moves Under DTRA, Becomes JIDO

Saturday, February 6th, 2016

In 2006, DoD created the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) to do exactly what its title suggested. As the war dwindled down to its current level, JIEDDO was transformed to the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency (JIDA). Both budget and size shrank, but the focus was expanded to include other types of unconvetional terrorist threats.

This year, JIDA will find a new home as part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) which traditionally focuses on CBRNE threats. JIDA will also receive a new name, Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO). Somce the organization’s focus is a bit more broad than when it was when founded in 2006, DTRA seems like a good fit.

However, the reason for the move is politically driven. The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act forbid JIDA from becoming a stand alone agency under DoD and directed it be moved to a military department or agency.

Intelligent Clothing for Rapid Response to Aid Wounded Soldiers

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Under this year’s Small Business Innovative Research topics from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, there’s a rather interesting topic. According to the call for ideas, the object of Topic DTRA122-010, Intelligent Clothing for Rapid Response to Aid Wounded Soldiers is to “Develop uniforms with integrated sensors built into the fabric allowing for measurement of overall health, detection of bullet location, detection of exposure to CBRNE (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosive) agents, and communication capabilities to provide location via GPS coordinates as well as critical health assessment information to medical personnel regarding the wounded soldier.”

The point of the SBIR is to get the Soldier’s clothing to constantly assess the health of the Soldier and alert him (and headquarters) of any maladies, including exposure to CBRNE threats.

“With Intelligent Clothing, the location of a bullet can be determined with appropriately-embedded sensors within the clothing’s fibers that can estimate the depth of penetration and the effected surrounding organs. Additionally, if the person was in an environment where a CBRNE weapon had been stored, manufactured, or used, the Intelligent Clothing could identify the agents via specific biomarkers detected within the blood, saliva, sweat, urine, or could distinguish damage at the cellular, tissue, and/or organ levels post exposure. For example, individuals exposed to a commonly used explosives compound, 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT), have been shown to have hemoglobin adducts within their blood and form the urine metabolites of TNT, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4ADNT) and 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2ADNT), all of which can be utilized as biomarkers for TNT. In addition, radiation biomarkers include alterations in serum enzyme levels post exposure to ionizing radiation, such as modifications in serum amylase and diamine oxidase concentration levels, which are presently being considered as potential biodosimeters within the medical community. These biomarkers could then be linked to the appropriate array of sensors within the Intelligent Clothing material to detect CBRNE targets, and this information could then be transmitted immediately to emergency responders via communications devices weaved directly into the fabric. This aids in triage and preparation of first responders to be able to handle emergency situations in a critically timely and efficient manner. The collected remotely data would provide commanders venue battlefield awareness as to type of weapons, numbers of casualties and location of engagements.

DTRA requires an assessment of the suitability of various biosensors, communications options and means of integrating these with the appropriate clothing materials and also considering relevant characteristics of the Intelligent Clothing (i.e. – size, thickness, weight, robustness, power requirements, lifetime, as well as sensor sensitivity and selectivity) and the added burdens for the individual troop to manage.”

The investigation will consist of three phases –
“PHASE I: Identify appropriate types of the fabrics, sensors, and related components that are currently available and may be useful for intelligent clothing systems. This phase would also include the selection of biomarkers specific to each agent along with corresponding sensor, and a proof of concept demonstrating operability of components within the military uniform.

PHASE II: Design of selected sensor interfaces and conduct a demonstration of a uniform containing a sensor and communications network.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Other applications currently being researched include heart/muscle monitoring for athletes, vitals measurements for babies, and blood sugar levels for Type I and Type II diabetics. Dual Use may be possible for occupations involving hazardous work conditions, mobile diagnostic of life style (as in mobile heart monitors). Furthermore, identification of potential commercial partners and/or commercialization markets in which Intelligent Clothing technology could be transitioned to as an end-user or for further optimization/development. ”

If you’ve been cooking up something that might meet DoD’s needs visit to get the lowdown on how to submit your white paper.