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Posts Tagged ‘Elcan’

CANSEC 18 – Raytheon ELCAN Specter 1x MRDS and 1XL CQS

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Although Raytheon launched the ELCAN Specter 1x Mini Red Dot Sight and 1XL Close Quarter Sights at last week’s SOFIC, CANSEC is the first time they’ve been seen in Canada.

1x Mini Red Dot Sight

Featuring the large window ELCAN is well known for, this MRDS can be stand alone or piggyback on another sight like the Specter OS or DR series.





1XL Close Quarter Sight

This sight uses an LED to provide a crisp reticle, even when used in conjunction with a magnifier. Additionally, by pressing the two buttons on the left side simultaneously, the user can swap between dot, circle, or a combination of both.



SHOT Show – Elite Defense Debuts Specter Holographic Combat Optic by Elcan

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

This is really big news. Elite Defense is now representing the Specter line of optics from Elcan and they’re debuting a pre-production version of the Specter, Holographic Combat Optic.


They advertise 1200 hours on nominal setting (12 daytime, 3 NVG) from a cross mounted CR123A. it offers a latger field of view than its closest competitor and is manufactired from an aluminum housing for strength. It features a solid state optical path and Elcan has conducted exhaustive testing to ensure the is no thermal drift up to the design target range of -40 to 160 deg F. The are no moving parts in the optical path so there is no room for moisture incursion. There are two reticle options, 72 MOA circle with 1 MOA dot as well as just a 1 MOA dot.


The Specter HCO begins shipping in May.

New British Elcan Update

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

The new weapon sight selected for use by the MoD is a special variant that utilizes a 4 power optic in a custom chassis. It is not variable like the Spectre DR.

New Weapon Sights
Photo: UK MoD

The new Spectre sight is seen on the L86 carried by the second Soldier from the left.