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Posts Tagged ‘Magpul Dynamics’

Magpul Dynamics Pricing and Ammunition Requirement Update

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

Magpul Dynamics sent us this announcement. With ammo prices going through the roof, when you can even find it, training ammo is going to be an issue. Magpul Dynamics is adapting to the reality of the situation.

In an effort to make training more accessible in these times of increased prices and reduced availability, Magpul Dynamics has updated their pricing structure, round counts, and acceptable calibers for the 2013 training year.

Effective immediately, all three-day classes are reduced to $600 per student, and two-day classes are reduced to $450 per student. In addition, the curriculum has been revised for all pistol/carbine courses based on the changes occurring over the past year to allow for maximum training value at a slightly reduced round count. Also, we are temporarily allowing the use of pistol-caliber carbines and 22LR AR-15 pattern training rifles in the carbine classes. Please understand that there are many drawbacks to training with 22LR as opposed to normal rifle platforms, but significant training value will still exist. We expect a full return to allowing rifle-caliber rounds only in the future as the ammunition supply catches up with current demand and ammunition prices return to a reasonable level. However, we understand the financial burden placed on students with the current state of the economy and the rapid rise in retail pricing in the ammunition industry. We firmly believe in the value of quality firearms training and are committed to providing quality products and services at a fair price.

Duane, Steve, Caylen, and Jon


For the Ladies – After Action Report – Magpul Dynamics Handgun One / Haley Strategic Partners Adaptive Carbine 01

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

This AAR was provided to SSD by a talented young lady who recently attended a Haley Strategic Partners Adaptive Carbine 01 in Victoria, TX – Oct 2-4, 2013. It’s great to hear things from her point of view.

A few weeks ago I attended Haley Strategic Partner’s Adaptive Carbine One course at Arrowhead Firearms Training in Victoria, Texas. The amount of information I received over the duration of three days was extremely valuable. It was applicable not only just to carbine manipulation, but also to other weapon systems and even my perspective on everyday life as an armed citizen. I thought it would be helpful to evaluate the course in the context of my personal background and training experiences thus far.

As a woman, I often find myself surrounded by men at gun ranges who tend to be very aggressive and condescending towards me. I’ve had experiences where men have told me that I “can’t handle” a .45 caliber handgun, or assume that because I’m a woman, they automatically know more than me. There are many women out there who feel exactly the same and have had to battle this relentless “good old boys” attitude. Thankfully, at the beginning of this year I joined the Sure Shots, a women’s pistol league based in Austin, TX where women just like me can come together and learn how to shoot without the pressure of their boyfriends, husbands, or any other men who try to limit us.

It is when I joined the Sure Shots that I began to take shooting more seriously than just a fun hobby or practice to become a better hunter. I began to seek out training programs that would expand my capabilities as a shooter. The first class I took was a carbine class for the Sure Shots administered by Legion Firearms. I had never shot an AR-15 before (actually, I had never shot a rifle that wasn’t some type of bolt action hunting rifle). The class pushed me passed my physical limits, but I came out the other side more familiar and proficient with the weapon system.

A few months later a fellow Sure Shot and I took the Magpul Dynamics Handgun One course conducted by Steve Fisher, who happens to be an excellent instructor and just an awesome person to be around in general (even if he called me “Rihanna” for 3 days straight). Despite the fact that we were the only girls in a class of experienced shooters, we held our own. If I had one word to describe the three days of the course, it would be “intense.” While the class focused on technique, handgun manipulation, and accuracy, the most important thing I got out of it was discovering and experiencing my personal physical and mental breaking points. I broke bad habits and began to learn new ones. I came out a completely different shooter.

During the first day of the HSP Adaptive Carbine class I immediately began to realize that the teaching style was completely different than anything I had taken before. First of all, Travis Haley and Brannon LeBouef were very personable and welcoming. The course itself was extremely cognitive and internally focused. I began to concentrate on my mental awareness and focus. We didn’t even shoot that many rounds the first day. Yet, somehow the fewer rounds I put through the barrel, the more I was learning and improving. Their goal for the course was for us to become “thinkers before shooters.” Each day consisted of multiple stories and lessons that they shared with the class.

While the Magpul Dynamics class made me a completely different pistol shooter, the Haley Strategic class made me a completely different thinker. Both classes provided extensive training in fundamentals, which are universal to all weapon systems. The things I learned about “feel, eyes, finger” in the HSP carbine class have already made me a better handgun shooter. Likewise, the intensity and fast pace I learned in the Magpul Dynamics handgun class have helped me to be aggressive and proficient with carbine techniques.

If I were to provide advice for women looking for training, I would recommend taking a Haley Strategic Partner’s class first. It would have been interesting for me to see how my acquired mental awareness would have helped me in Steve Fisher’s class. Furthermore, don’t resist taking a class because you are intimidated, scared, or don’t want to be “yelled at.” I think it is vitally important to be pushed in that way. You need to be able to face your barriers so you can cross them. It is important to diversify your training to discover which techniques works best for you. Also, you will discover that the firearms community consists of some of the most welcoming and friendly people you will ever meet. Everyone wants to share their gear, stories, and learned lessons with each other, especially with women who are taking the initiative to make themselves better. They want to be part of that. Just remember, stay open to all types of training and don’t be afraid to try something new.

New Staff Isn’t The Only Thing Happening at Magpul Dynamics

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Over the past months Magpul Dynamics has added new personnel including Director Duane Liptak Jr and Jon Canipe to join their excellent existing staff. But, that’s not all they have going on. In addition to an updated curriculum, they are also working to close out the popular “Art of” series.

According to the Magpul Dynamics Facebook page, “We will most likely release all remaining material from the “Art of” series in a boxed set/update. That will clear out the vaults and put a close to that chapter of Magpul Training. If you want more of what this series is/was, then this will be everything that hasn’t seen the light of day. What you see in the “Art of” is not what we are currently doing, but that isn’t to say that there isn’t material of value in the “Art of”– we are, however, doing this to be able to move forward.

The next material from us will most likely not be in DVD format…the “Art of” changed what a training DVD was, and the next step will be more revolutionary than evolutionary as well. The next step is in the works currently.”

In the meantime, I’d suggest that you look into some hands on training with Magpul Dynamics.


Jon Canipe Joins Magpul Dynamics as Director of Carbine Operations

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Magpul Dynamics isn’t the same company that it was even a year ago. They continue to adapt to advances in training methodology, weapon employment and equipment development. Today, as part of that continued improvement process, they officially announced that Jon Canipe has come on board as the Director of Carbine Operations, “in order to support the training schedule as well as support the development and testing efforts.” Canipe should be no stranger to readers of SSD. His weekly “Canipe Correspondence” series leverages his 12 years of military experience serving in US Army Special Forces. He will now offer his combat experience and time as an instructor at USAJFKSWCS to students of Magpul Dynamics. Congrats to Jon and Magpul Dynamics!


They are building a great team over there. Make sure you check out their philosophy at www.magpuldynamics.com/mission.

Magpul Dynamics Announces New Director

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Magpul Dynamics has a new Director. Duane Liptak Jr is a former Marine Corps Major. According to a Magpul Dynamics press release he is a decorated combat veteran with experience in Tactical Aviation and Special Operations. He also brings a vast knowledge of the shooting industry as well as experience developing, managing, and executing training programs from his previous position at Brownells Inc, where he held the position of Director of Government Programs and Training

Duane’s military achievements include stints as a Squadron XO, FAC(A) (Forward Air Controller-Airborne) Instructor, Pilot and Flight Lead for a USMC F/A-18D Squadron deployed to Iraq, and Plank Owner in Marine Special Operations Command, where he stood up the first operational Marine Special Operations Company as Air Officer, Operations Officer, Team FAC, and Weapons, Lasers, Night Vision, and Communications subject matter expert.


Art of the Tactical Carbine – Second Edition

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

Available soon in Bluray, Magpul Dynamics presents “Art of the Tactical Carbine” (both Vol I & II). In addition to the 1080i remastering, there is some additional content including Vol 1 Bloopers and the fabled Lost Chris Costa Interviews.

Costa Ludus

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Sometimes you have to just sit on a good story until it’s time. About a week-and-a-half ago we posted an article about Chris Costa running a couple of courses solo for Falcon Ops Group. We had to play it off that it seemed “interesting” that he was doing it. The reality is that we knew he was leaving Magpul Dynamics to do his own thing somewhere around the beginning of the year.

Yesterday, Magpul Industries announced Chris Costa’s departure:

Chris Costa to Branch Out On His Own in 2012

Since 2007, Magpul Dynamics has trained thousands of professional and civilian shooters, and reached countless more through a comprehensive collection of instructional DVDs. With an emphasis on real world techniques, consistency, and efficiency, Magpul Dynamics has brought tactical instruction to the forefront of the shooting community. The application of these philosophies to high quality multimedia productions has helped propel the entire firearms training industry to new heights, garnering the attention of a larger audience than ever before.

The entire instructor cadre has been instrumental in the success of these endeavors, not the least of which has been Chris Costa. Chris will be moving on in early 2012 to pursue new projects within the industry, including his own training company. Magpul will continue to explore future opportunities to work with Chris, and looks forward to these projects. It has been a privilege to work with Chris for the last five years, and Magpul wishes him the best of luck in the future. The fundamentals of Reality, Consistency, and Efficiency that Chris helped instill are central to the entire Magpul Dynamics instructor cadre, and will continue to drive their training philosophy and mindset.

He will be moving on to run Costa Ludus. Ludus is the Latin word used in ancient Rome for a training school of Gladiators.

Updated: While the word Ludus is used to refer to a “gladiator school,” in Latin it is also used to refer to a school for learning the basics of a craft.

Military Times Gear Scout spoke to Costa about his new venture.


We Didn’t Know He Did That

Friday, October 28th, 2011

We ran across an interesting tidbit online recently. Falcon Ops Group is hosting trainer Chris Costa for a 3-day Advanced Carbine as well as a 3-day Advanced Pistol. This is Chris Costa on his lonesome and not Magpul Dynamics although Falcon does state that this isn’t something he normally does. Interesting…
