TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Mali’

Dutch SF Camo in Mali

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016


This photo depicts members of the Dutch SF contingent to Mali wearing the FR digital camouflage uniforms from FibroTex we showed you last month. You may also notice a G-Wagen being sling-loaded.

Forces Focus – Operation Serval – 2e REP Combat Jump into Timbuktu

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

To quote my friend Yancey, “Seems like the French had themselves a combat jump in Mali.”

This video by Pascal DuPont is the long version that shows the airland on the 27th of January into Gao and then concludes with the jump into Timbuktu on the 28th by the French Foreign Legion’s 2e REP ( 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment) including Harfang drone footage. Then there’s a bunch of other stuff.