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Posts Tagged ‘Sage Ordnance Systems Group’

SAGE Ordnance Systems Group Less-Lethal Instructor Course

Friday, August 24th, 2012

SAGE Ordnance Systems Group, manufacturers of less-lethal launchers like the Deuce is offering a series of Less-Lethal Instructor Courses.

Each attendee must be physically fit for duty and able to perform physical skills associated with the use of Less-Lethal products. SAGE Ordnance Systems Group trains only sworn law-enforcement officers, correctional personnel or active service military personnel.
Required Equipment
• Eye and ear protection
• Helmet/Armor
• Duty gear normally utilized when deploying Less Lethal munitions
• Flame-resistant gloves
• Gas mask/Respirator
• Launcher
• Whistle
• Hydration equipment

Fit for Duty
This school involves physical exercises and activity. Learners are required to actively participate in the activities as part of instructor-level training. Learners should be physically prepared for the class in order to ensure successful completion of the school. Some of the classes may involve exposure to chemical agents as well as the physical exercises. Learners with physical conditions that may impair their ability to participate are responsible for contacting their physician for medical clearance prior to enrollment. Conditions requiring such consultation include but are not limited to high blood pressure, heart problems, lung problems, to include bronchitis and asthma, or allergies. SAGE Ordnance Systems Group will not assume any responsibility for any learners who do not seek medical consultation prior to course participation. Any learner who is unable to participate in the exercises cannot complete this instructor level school. It is incumbent upon the learner to ensure they are physically capable of meeting the requirements of the school.

They will be presenting the following SAGE Less-Lethal Instructor courses:

Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Host: Georgia State Patrol
Date: September 17, 18, 19

Location: Chicago, Illinois
Host: Ravelin Group, LLC / Addison Police Department
Date: October 2, 3, 4

Location: Simi Valley, California
Host: Simi Valley Police Department
Date: October 15, 16, 17

To enroll, visit

St Patrick’s Day LE Sale at SAGE Control Ordnance

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Get 10% discount and free regular ground shipping in the Continental United States for any LE order over $1500 that is placed before St Patrick’s Day 2012. Just mention their newsletter and coupon #0317-2012. The offer applies to all Sage Control Ordnance, Inc products. Discount is only valid for law enforcement agencies. 10% only applies to Sage Control Ordnance, Inc products purchased directly from the manufacturer. 10% discount can be used on multiple orders placed on or before March 17, 2012.

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Sage Ordnance Systems Group Releasing White Smoke Grenade at SHOT SHow

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Sage Ordnance Systems Group has a new 60mm hand deployed white smoke munition that they will be releasing at SHOT Show (Booth #20540).