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Posts Tagged ‘Special Operations Warrior Foundation’

Retired SF SGM Hiking Appalachian Trail To Raise Money For SOWF

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

Retired SF SGM and disabled veteran Paul Gaumond plans to hike the entire 2,190-mile long, Appalachian Trail beginning in March, 2018 with his daughter and wants to use the occasion to raise funds for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

100% of the donations will go to the foundation and will be used in the following manner:

1. College scholarships for the surviving children of fallen Special Operations service members.
2. Family & educational counseling, including in-home tutoring.
3. Immediate $5,000.00 financial grants to severly combat wounded Special Operations service members.

There will be photos posted on his site as well as on the Special Operations Warrior Foundation site throughout the hike.

To donate, visit

Hot Shots Calendar – Casting Call for 2015 Models

Saturday, February 15th, 2014

Hot Shots Casting Call

Hot Shots Calendar has issued an open casting call (ladies only please) for the 2015 edition. The actual photo shoot will be in June, here in the US, but they are looking for models from both the US as well as the UK. This is a pretty big deal because up to now, all of the models have been British. Proceeds from Hot Shots Calendar supports such charities as Help For Heroes which offers practical, direct support to the UK’s wounded as well as the Special Operations Warrior Foundation here in the US.

The 2013 Hot Shots Calendar Benefits SOWF

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

Smith Optics Elite Division is excited to present the 2013 “Hot Shots” Calendar. Inspired by vintage pin–ups and WWII bomber art, this beautiful calendar will both decorate your walls and benefit the families of those that serve our country. Proceeds from this project will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

Hot Shots Calendar

This years calendar features force favorites Rosie Jones, Hollie Peers, India Reynolds, Kelly Hall, Sam Cooke, and Emily O’Hara. This 12×18″ calendar is available now for only $12.00. Buy a few and share them with your friends!

Happy Christmas Giveaway – From SSD and Hot Shots Calendar

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

Last month, SSD infiltrated an agent into the Hot Shots 2013 Calendar Launch (you’ll get to read all about it tomorrow) with the specific task of liberating a signed 2013 limited edition SSD version of the calendar as a prize for a lucky SSD reader. Here it is.

Our man in Manchester stood in line clutching the calendar. Once he made it to the head of the line (and was able to untie his tongue to ask for their help) he secured the signatures of all six calendar models. This year’s Hot Shots calendar is inspired by pinups of the 40s and 50s and they’ve done a bang up job on the bawdy playing cards as well (see the sampling below). And, as always, 50% of proceeds go to military charities.

Grand Prize is the signed limited edition SSD version of the Hot Shots 2013 calendar along with a deck of playing cards.

Eight second prize winners will receive an unsigned copy of the limited edition SSD version of the Hot Shots 2013 calendar along with a deck of playing cards.

To enter for your chance to win:

In the comments section of THIS article on SSD (and nowhere else) tell us your favorite Christmas present. Remember, post in comments section of THIS article on SSD.

Contest continues through the rest of this Christmas Eve on through Christmas Day and ends at 2359Z on Boxing Day 26 December, 2012.

Use any nom de guerre you desire but use your real email address as we will use it to contact the winners to request your shipping address.

Unclaimed prizes will be redistributed.

Void Where prohibited.

Good luck and Happy Christmas from SSD!

It’s not too late to order your 2013 Hot Shots Calendar, the playing cards, or badges. Just visit Purchase calendars at to support Hot Shots and their charities, Help for Heroes and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Remember, 50% of proceeds go to these charities. Big thanks to the folks behind Hot Shots – Edgar Brothers, Smith Optics Elite Division, Daniel Defense, Independent Studio Services, Crye Precision, and Magpul Industries.

Follow Hot Shots on Facebook –

Hot Shots Veteran’s Day Giveaway

Friday, November 9th, 2012

In honor of this Veteran’s Day, enter for a chance to win one of 12 limited edition SSD variants of the 2013 Hot Shots calendar. This year’s Hot Shots calendar is inspired by pinups of the 40s and 50s. Like always 50% of proceeds go to military charities.

There was a limited run of SSD variant 2013 Hot Shots calendars produced and this is your chance to win yours. We will be giving away one of these to 12 different, lucky SSD readers.


US Elite Super-SOF Veteran’s Day Sale – November 7-15

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

As in years past, US Elite honors the Veterans of our country. This year they decided to showcase some Veterans of the Special Operations Forces who have channeled that creativity, drive and passion that made them successful in their previous careers – and are now bringing that same spirit, and innovation, to business. Now until November 15, they are having a SUPER-SOF Veterans Day Sale, featuring 10-25% discounts on Combat Flipflops, High Ground, Mayflower Research & Consulting LLC, NavELite LLC, Pro Survival Kit Co., Rip Shears, Tactical Tailor, and naturally, US Elite as well.

In addition, US Elite will be donating 5% of sales from this campaign to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF).

Shop some innovative, quality Vet-owned/operated brands and donate to a worthy cause while you shop!

SOG Voodoo Hawk – Limited Edition to Benefit SOWF

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

Now they’re talking. After Electronic Arts’ douchetastic move in shutting down the Medal of Honor Limited Edition version of the Voodoo Hawk, SOG Specialty Knives & Tools has stepped up and created an alternative version to ensure that pledges to support the survivors of fallen SOF warriors were honored.

Designed as a combination of their Tactical Tomahawk and FastHawk, it features an extended cutting head, compact glass-reinforced nylon handle, and metal butt cap. It is 12.56″ long and a cutting blade that is 3.5″ x .26″.


The Voodoo Hawk – Limited Edition is numbered and engraved with the SOG MACV skull insignia, and includes an exclusive special edition MultiCam sheath by London Bridge Trading Company. Most importantly, 50% of all proceeds from the 500 pieces will be donated to Special Operations Warrior Foundation, specializing in providing scholarships, counseling, and financial assistance to special operations personnel and their families.

Limited to 500.

Ruckin’ 4 Life – Help Him Raise Money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Stephen Jensen, an Air Force Medic who’s just returned from a year long tour in Afghanistan has decided to devote his rest and relaxation to raising money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. His plan is to ruck the Air Force Half Marathon while wearing a full combat load out He is doing this to raise awareness and money for our wounded Veteran’s of the Special Operations Community.

He’s only trying to raise $1000 so it would be great to help him meet his goal.

To learn more visit