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Posts Tagged ‘S&S Precision’

S&S Precision Wants Your Help

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

S&S Precision is working on a new deck for use as a promotional giveaway. Their only question, “Red or No Red?”


Let them know on their Facebook page.

Special Operations Forces – Pilot Rescue Mission – A Short Film by MilPictures

Friday, August 17th, 2012

This video short from the Austrian firm features Ops-Core helmets, Steyr weapons systems, Tasmanian Tiger kit and showcases S&S Precision’s Manta Strobe.

SSP LAAW Carrier

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

This chunk of baddassery is an S&S Precision LAAW Carrier. I’ve been telling guys about it for quite awhile now but this graphic depicts exactly what I have been saying. The LAAW Clip holds the M72-series rocket in place on the wearer’s back until needed. Then, it can quickly be pulled forward and placed into action. Over or underhand. Your choice.

Why haven’t you liked SSP on Facebook yet.

SSP Plate Frame Accessory Pouches

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

S&S Precision has developed several accessories specifically for use with the PlateFrame.

In addition to welded shoulder and cummerbund straps, they have introduced several specialists pouches made from advanced materials such as 2-way stretch and LiteLok. These include pouches for side plates, magazines, and radios, with more to come.

S&S Precision Plate Frame in Use at Fuerzas Comandos

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

The S & S Precision Plate Frame featuring their SOCS (Stretchy Outer Cover System) was filmed in Colombia during the recent Fuerzas Comando 2012 competition. The SOCS is not only covering the plate in a MultiCam print but it also provides a protective covering for the hard plate as well as soft armor which is necessary for the threat level protection of his armor package. The SOCS are available in MultiCam, tan, and black.

S&S Precision PlateFrame Update

Monday, June 25th, 2012

S&S Precision PlateFrame Spec Sheet

S&S Plate Frame in Action

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Photo: US Army SGT, Christopher Vann, 107th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

Here, you can see an S&S Precision Plate Frame being used at the Fuerzas Comando competition in Colombia. The frame is holding a Protech ESAPI plate with soft armor backer sandwiched together and wrapped with one of their SOCS we wrote about during Warrior West.

Photo: US Army SGT, Christopher Vann, 107th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

SOFIC – S&S Precision

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012


S&S Precision is on hand showcasing refinements to their Plate Frame technology.