
Posts Tagged ‘Threads’

SSD Saturday Night At The Movies – ‘Threads’

Sunday, August 28th, 2016

‘Threads’ will scare the bejeezus out of you. Aired on the BBC in 1984, it is far more bleak than America’s ‘The Day After’. We see none of the military perspective, but rather experience nuclear war through the eyes of its victims.  I never saw it as a kid but have watched it several times as an adult as I am fascinated by all things Cold War.

Threads from Peski TV on Vimeo.


Saturday, October 1st, 2011

“Threads” is a clothing and equipment newsletter published by the Australian Department of Defence for industry. It is a great resource for keeping up with the latest in Australian initiatives. One interesting article confirms that the Australians are going to domestically manufacture their recently adopted Operational Combat Uniforms consisting of consists of four different garments: Field Shirt, Field Pants, Combat Shirt and Combat Pants designed by Crye Precision. The article also verifies that these will be printed in a new Australian variant of the MultiCam pattern. Hopefully, these will be manufactured from the latest version of TenCate’s FR Defender-M fabric rather than going back to the non-FR twill that some in Australia’s opposition political party have called for after some durability issues were noted with an older version of Defender-M. This new fabric adopted last year by the USMC and recently by the US Army features twice the tear strength of the version used in the last round of OCUs.

Threads No19

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