
Posts Tagged ‘Vigilant Security Services’

VSS Launches Satellite Antenna Website

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Vigilant Security Services has launched a website that is dedicated to SATCOM antennas.  It is geared towards U.S. Military units and U.S. Government agencies and allows the users to easily submit SATCOM antenna RFQs directly from the site.  There are a variety of land-based, vehicular and man-pack style antennas available in legacy UHF SATCOM as well as MUOS SATCOM.  The antennas listed are manufactured by Trivec Avant and Leonardo.

Vigilant Security Services Introduces AR Carbines and Pistols

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

At the request of their customers, VSS has introduced a Carbine and Pistol configuration AR.

VSS-15 Rifle

VSS-15 Rifle

VSS-15 Pistol

VSS-15 Pistol

Vigilant Security Services Launches New Site

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017


Vigilant Security Services, LLC has updated their corporate website which details their training and service offerings. They’ve also updated their online store.


Their Practical User Guides and Handbooks are quite popular. They’ve introduced a permanent pricing reduction on all VSS published books (print & digital versions).

Additionally, for the month of February, they are running a 10% off sale on all VSS published books (print & digital versions). Take advantage of this sale on top of the price reduction for great savings at

VSS – Small Unit Leader’s Operational Planning Guide

Monday, July 20th, 2015


This handy pocket guide by Special Forces Veterans Jeff Kirkham and Erik Lawrence includes the most common operations planning and execution templates. Naturally, it features Troop Leading Procedures and various mission orders formats including annexes. There are also Medevac and Call for Fire formats.

Vigilant Security Services – Weapon Manuals Available In Print And eBook Formats

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015


Vigilant Security Services is now offering Erik Lawrence’s line of Weapon Operation Guides in both eBook and print formats. Designed for Special Operation Teams, these guides cover the full background and function of a variety of foreign and issue weapon systems that might be used or encountered in the field. Roughly 30 guides are available now, with the list constantly updating.

Vigilant Security Services – Weapons Operational Manuals

Monday, November 3rd, 2014


In the same vein as his handbooks done under Blackheart International, Erik Lawrence has drafted a number of weapons manuals detailing the operational use of some of the most popular foreign and domestic weapons systems currently in use today. You’ll see some excellent content from Mike Pannone as well. In particular, the carbine manual was written completely by Mike.

Many of them can be purchased on Amazon here.

Erik Lawrence Launches New Company

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Erik Lawrence has launched a new endeavor, Vigilant Security Services. He sold Blackheart International last year and felt he was ready to concentrate on VSS, a firm he founded in 2005 but just didn’t have the time to do much with.

Staffed by former SOF personnel, VSS provides the following services:

» Personnel Protective Services
• Executive Protection for VIP’s
• Private Security Details for Hostile Environments
• Counter-Surveillance

» Facility Security Services
• Site Vulnerability Assessments
• Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)
• Risk Assessments & Security Analysis
• Physical and technological security
• Corporate Security Reviews & Audits
• Information and intelligence gathering
• Defensive Strategy Evaluations

» Security Training
• Security Awareness & Individual Protective Measures (IPM) Training
• Safety Training for Traveling Abroad
• Security Staff Training
• Firearms and Tactical Training