TYR Tactical

Archive for December, 2010

Panteao Productions Launches Facebook Page

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

Panteao Productions, producers of the new Make Ready series of instructional videos has just launched their Facebook page. They have included a few stills from the upcoming lineup. Be sure to check it out.

‘Downfall’ Of The ACR

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

Now over a year old, the ‘Hitler Downfall’ meme is pretty dead, and so was this vid as far as we knew. YouTube at one point had pulled all of the videos, including this one. It was used to lampoon all sorts of stuff but it’s a rare situation when the subject being parodied had to do with the tactical industry. We originally posted it around SHOT Show last year when the ACR was finally released to a market weary of a rough economy and high priced guns. On that note, behold as Hitler rages about the ACR’s high price point! Everyone was up in arms about it back then but now a year later, accepts the price as part of doing business. Hope this gets your SHOT Show juices flowing, but beware, the subtitles are NSFW.

The video is also available on Youtube in a higher quality, but isn’t availabe for embedding. You can watch it here.

-Tactical Fanboy

Stuff We Didn’t Write About

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

USTC Holdings Buys Xe Services For Estimated $200 Million

EcoRoamer: High-tech, zombie-proof survival RV

Analysing data is the future for journalists

Russia’s chic uniform ‘sends soldiers to hospital’

Tactical Pants Blog Interviews Creator of 5.11 Pants Liz Robbins

The Gear Junkie Scoop: Hydrapak E-LITE VEST

Body Armor with Batteries (I love it when someone outside this industry thinks they discovered something new to write about.)

Soldier Technology US Conference & Exhibition

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Be sure to attend the Soldier Technology US Conference & Exhibition January 31st – 3 February 2011 in Crystal City, Virginia. Now, in its 4th year, Soldier Technology will host 48 military and government decision makers who have confirmed to deliver requirement and program briefs, and lessons learned including:

• Brigadier General Peter N Fuller, Program Executive Officer, PEO Soldier
• Lt General Micheal Vane, Director, US Army Capabilities Integration Center
• Colonel Wil Riggins, Project Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier
• Brigadier General Jess Scarbrough, Program Executive Officer, Program Executive Office, Chemical Biological Defense
• Major General (ret’d) Robert Scales, Former Commandant, US Army War College

The conference features Lightening The Load and Situational Awareness Focus Days. Download the full agenda here.

In addition to the conference program, the exhibition will hold over 50 exhibitors from system integrators such as: Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and QinetiQ and innovative solutions providers including: eMagin, Schott and Ultra Electronics.

Soldier Systems readers are entitled to a 15% discount to attend the show – quote code: 12607.004_SSY_1 when registering. You can register here.

If you require further detailed information please call Saima Qureshi on +44 (0) 20 7368 9465 or email soldiertechnologyus@wbr.co.uk.

NSFW – Trashtalking Doesn’t Work in Real Life It Seems

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Rooster Teeth, creators of the popular Machinima franchise Red Vs. Blue has recently started a new series they call Immersion, where they introduce video game-related situations to real life scenarios. In one video, they introduce ‘Shane’, a 13 year special operations veteran, who proceeds to fire ten rounds at a target 100 yards out. Afterward, he repeats this exercise, but with the addition of simulated multiplayer trashtalking and all the swearing, name calling, and general annoyance that comes with it, courtesy of the Mega 64 crew.

It’s hilarious stuff, but if the title didn’t give it away, it’s not something you’ll want to view in the work place or near those with sensitive ears. Click at your own risk: Immersion: Online Gaming Distractions

-Tactical Fanboy

Name That Pack Winner

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Mystery Ranch has decided on a winning name, and the winner is….

Tune in Monday morning to find out

Tactical Fanboy @Twitter

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

The title says it all: Tactical Fanboy is now on Twitter @Tacfanboy. Follow and be alerted to the latest information on new articles and other cool stuff.

-Tactical Fanboy

Accu-Stack AI Comb Risers

Friday, December 17th, 2010

So I know, you’re asking yourself, “What’s a Comb Riser?” But, if you are asking that question, you probably don’t need one. The comb of the stock is

While the The AICS (Accuracy International Chassis System) is one of the most popular stocks for tactical shooters in the US and abroad, it is not used by just any shooter. Generally, it is reserved for use by precision shooters.

The AICS or AIAW doesn’t come with anything to support the comb if you need to raise it other than two hex screws, so sometimes it falls down, plus it looks empty under the comb. So Victor Company USA developed a multi-level spacer system that supports all AI cheek rests at almost any height. Available in two sizes, they actually look like AI OEM products.
