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Archive for February, 2013

AFSOC Goes Back to the Future and Establishes Air Warfare Center

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

In the early 1960s the United States Air Force established a Special Air Warfare Center at Hurlburt Field, Florida the modern home of AFSOC. There, they trained Air Commandos in irregular warfare, a concept that the USAF has paid lip service to over the past ten years but done little actualize. To create this new Special Operations Air Warfare Center, AFSOC transformed the existing Special Operations Training Center and added a much needed, expanded aviation advisor capability.

BG Jon Weeks assumed command of the new Special Operations Air Warfare Center last week which also, interestingly enough, now also includes the 919th Air Force Reserve Special Operations Wing at Duke Field as well as two Air Guard units in Mississippi and Alabama.

Headquartered at Hurlburt Field with operating locations at the nearby Duke Field and Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, The Air Warfare Center will organize, train, educate and equip special operations forces; lead major command of counter-insurgency and irregular warfare missions; test and evaluate weapons programs; and develop tactics, techniques and guidelines for special operations missions.

“For LE/Govt customers in New York: Your orders have been cancelled.”

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

“Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York. As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.

For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will:
complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY refund your payment in full
hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge – if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.

For LE/Govt customers in New York:
Your orders have been cancelled.

With these words, York Arms joined Barrett, EFI LLC, LaRue Tactical, Midway USA, Olympic Arms, Templar Custom of North Carolina, and Cheaper than Dirt. Yes, even Cheaper Than Dirt who seem keen to gain back their rep after being accused of price gouging after magazine sales sky rocketed in December.

Almost daily the list of firearms manufacturers and dealers grows who have curtailed sales of guns and parts to law enforcement agencies in areas that have made the same items illegal for civilian use. Critics have countered that it won’t not amount to much as we understand the federal government is offering surplus M16A2s to state law enforcement agencies, but the unity of firearms manufacturers coming together to boycott the sale of their products to areas such as New York which have banned so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines is rather interesting. Even if you think these are symbolic gestures, sometimes those are just enough to garner the attention of decision makers.

Canipe Correspondence – This week in “America has Gone Crazy…”

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Many of the people I talk to regularly have heard the remark “America has gone crazy” or some more profane variation of it. This week, America in general has proven my point once again with a couple of real disturbing and disappointing moves in the arenas of lawmaking and political maneuvering. We had the State of the Union, new gun control on the table in Colorado and Missouri, murdered SEAL, author, and veterans advocate Chris Kyle was laid to rest, and servicemen who do not serve in direct combat can now get awards higher than the Bronze Star with V. I couldn’t pick one topic this week as I feel strongly about all of these.

The State of the Union. The President telling us how awesome he’s doing. There is a saying, “don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining.” We all got pissed on. Jobs are still in the toilet, his approval is remarkably low, the economy sucks. We are still supporting millions of illegal immigrants with our tax dollars, our hard earned money that could be going to put our kids through college, or paying down mortgages, or saving to open small businesses in our communities. He spends money like my ex-wife and likewise doesn’t make nearly that much, which some of you can relate to I’m sure. Where he’s not spending it is our security, as our military prepares for the most devastating loss of funding in a generation. There are pockets of the military that you may think have a “blank check” so to say. You’re wrong, and our nation’s readiness at all levels is going to be impacted significantly, and our safety at home is directly tied to that. So there’s all that stuff.

In Colorado, and Missouri, the Democrats are operating as per SOP, trying to institute meaningless legislation to curb violence. They haven’t yet figured out that criminals don’t obey laws, and are unlikely to anytime soon. Colorado HB 1224 will stop the sale and manufacture of high-capacity magazines. The Governor addressed his state on Facebook about how important jobs are, while supporting the immediate loss of nearly 1000 jobs, displaced families, and $85 million from his state’s economy if Magpul Industries moves. Even if manufacturing is exempted, CEO Rich Fitzpatrick and COO Doug Smith have stated Magpul will leave CO. As a Magpul employee I couldn’t be more proud to work for the company right now. In Missouri, the agenda is to get all assault weapons/hi-cap mags banned, without a provision for grandfathering. 90 days to turn them in, if it passes. The details of the proposal are available here on Soldier Systems if you scroll back a day or two. I cannot help but question the level of intelligence of a person who thinks that restricting access to something will stop it’s use. Hey, it worked with drugs I guess. Oh wait!

American Sniper author, former SEAL, and veteran’s advocate Chris Kyle was laid to rest this week. Kyle and a longtime friend were gunned down at a Texas ranch while shooting with a Marine vet. It’s a tremendous loss for the community and America in general. The President offered condolences for Whitney Houston, a crackhead entertainer, with no mention being given a short time later to a recipient of two Silver Stars and 5 Bronze Stars. Disgusting, on all counts. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those killed, and I am stunned by such a senseless loss.

There is a new DoD award for eligible personnel called the Distinguished Warfare Medal. It sights higher on a rack than a Bronze Star with “V” device. If you’re not aware, the BSM-V is awarded for valor in combat. How someone not in direct combat could get an award that is higher in precedence than an award for combat heroism is beyond me. Medals are not significant in themselves to me, but as a representation to the lives lost and importance of the men to your left and right I think they hold a place of honor. Someone who was not exposed to that risk, and in turn risked their life for the people around them should not be recognized with a greater award than those that did, plain and simple. I firmly believe awards for valorous actions in direct combat should sit above any other award.

There was a lot of crazy going on this week. I heard the President said Chicago needed better gun laws but there are only so many hours in a day to figure out what kind of insanity the liberals are up to now. I’m signing off til next week, where hopefully there will be something less depressing to write about, like 4-wheelers, machine guns, or the potato gun I’m trying to build in the garage…if it’s still legal then.

Gunfighter Moment – Pat McNamara

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Perform the appropriate amount of correct repetitions on the range. The best performers on the globe, regardless of the skill, practice perfectly and if necessary, in slow motion to perfect their craft. There are certain aspects of gun handling and gun fighting that have to be performed at a subconscious level. We human beings are not multi-taskers. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we cannot perform two tasks at the same time at a conscious level. We can however, task switch, task stack or perform tasks subconsciously. We should be accessing the subconscious’ data bank during weapon’s manipulation, to include safety manipulation, magazine changes, and the fundamentals. We can therefore, at a conscious level, maintain situational awareness, forecast, predict, and plan

Patrick McNamara
SGM, US Army (Ret)

Patrick McNamara spent twenty-two years in the United States Army in a myriad of special operations units. When he worked in the premier special missions unit, he became an impeccable marksman, shooting with accurate, lethal results and tactical effectiveness. McNamara has trained tactical applications of shooting to people of all levels of marksmanship, from varsity level soldiers, and police officers who work the streets to civilians with little to no time behind the trigger.

His military experience quickly taught him that there is more to tactical marksmanship than merely squeezing the trigger. Utilizing his years of experience, McNamara developed a training methodology that is safe, effective and combat relevant and encourages a continuous thought process. This methodology teaches how to maintain safety at all times and choose targets that force accountability, as well as provides courses covering several categories, including individual, collective, on line and standards.

While serving as his Unit’s Marksmanship NCO, he developed his own marksmanship club with NRA, CMP, and USPSA affiliations. Mac ran monthly IPSC matches and ran semi annual military marksmanship championships to encourage marksmanship fundamentals and competitiveness throughout the Army.

He retired from the Army’s premier hostage rescue unit as a Sergeant Major and is the author of T.A.P.S. (Tactical Application of Practical Shooting).

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Alias Training & Security Services. Each week Alias brings us a different Trainer and in turn they offer some words of wisdom.

A-TACS Kydex from Index Fasteners

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Index Fasteners has introduced officially licensed A-TACS Kydex.

Magpul Formally Announces They Will Leave Colorado If Magazine Ban Becomes Law

Friday, February 15th, 2013



Denver, Colorado – February 15th, 2013 – Magpul Industries, an Erie, Colorado, based manufacturer of firearms accessories, announced today that it will be forced to leave the state if House Bill 1224, which would ban standard capacity magazines, becomes law. The announcement was made to Governor Hickenlooper, state legislators, members of the media, and in a full-page advertisement to appear in the Denver Post on Sunday.

Richard Fitzpatrick, Founder, President, and CEO of Magpul Industries, said that regardless of any amendments that may be worked into the bill, he will no longer be able to continue to do business in Colorado if his core product is made illegal.

“Our company could not, in good conscience, continue to manufacture our products in a state where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from purchasing and owning them. ” Fitzpatrick said. “The passage of this bill will do nothing to enhance public safety, but will force us to immediately begin taking our business to another state.”

A proponent of the bill argued that with the amendment language, the choice to stay or leave was up to Magpul. Fitzpatrick responded, “Our relationship with our customers across the country would be severely damaged if this bill passes and we stay. We’ve already heard word of potential boycotts if that happens. They (legislators) really need to understand that our customer base is as passionate about freedoms as we are, and staying here if this bill passes would cripple the company. Make no doubt about it…we have no choice, and would be forced to leave in order to save the business.”

Magpul cited the example of the Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show, which was canceled earlier this year after the organizers announced that it would not permit a popular category of firearm, like the ones Magpul makes accessories for, in the show. Public outcry from the customer base forced exhibitors to withdraw from participation, causing the cancellation of the show, and an estimated loss of $70 million of show revenue for hotels, restaurants, merchants, and other businesses in Pennsylvania, where the show was to be held.

Magpul Industries directly employs 200 people, supports another 400 supply-chain jobs, and contributes over $85 million annually to Colorado’s economy. Doug Smith, Chief Operating Officer for Magpul, says that it is a difficult position to be in. “We could choose to stay in a state that wants our jobs and revenue, but not our products, and lose half the jobs we are fighting to save, or potentially the entire business, when our customers stop buying. Or, we can take the company and those 600 jobs out of Colorado to continue our growth and the growth of American manufacturing in a state that shares our values. This is not really a choice. It’s an unfortunate and inevitable result of the actions of the Legislature if this bill passes.”

Magpul was started over a decade ago by Fitzpatrick, a former U.S. Marine. It has become one of Colorado’s fastest growing businesses, successfully marketing its products to American and allied military forces, police departments, sporting goods stores, and thousands of responsible private citizens. Fitzpatrick says that the rich western culture and strong values of individual freedom and responsibility, traditionally found in Colorado, were one of the reasons the company chose to remain in the state.

“It is heartbreaking to me, my employees, and their families, to think that we will be forced to leave,” Fitzpatrick said. “But if HB13-1224 passes, we will simply have no choice.”

US Elite Presidents Day Sale

Friday, February 15th, 2013


In honor of Presidents Day, US Elite is offering a 15% off store-wide sale, on everything excluding fitness equipment and any hazmat items. It’s running through Tuesday mid-day EST.

This Time It’s Missouri

Friday, February 15th, 2013

In case you haven’t heard, Missouri lawmakers are trying to enact legislation that would make possession of a so-called assault weapon or high capacity magazine illegal.


RORY ELLINGER (Sponsor) 573-751-4265 (office) — 314-640-0095 (cell),


JILL SCHUPP 573-751-9762 (office) — 314-517-6505 (cell),

0776L.01I D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk

To amend chapter 571, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the manufacture,
import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of any assault weapon or large capacity
magazine, with a penalty provision.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 571, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be
2 known as section 571.023, to read as follows:
571.023. 1. As used in this section the following terms shall mean:
2 (1) “Assault weapon”, any:
3 (a) Semi-automatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and
4 has one or more of the following:
5 a. A pistol grip or thumbhole stock;
6 b. Any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the
7 nontrigger hand;
8 c. A folding or telescoping stock; or
9 d. A shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely encircles the
10 barrel, allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being
11 burned, but excluding a slide that encloses the barrel;
12 (b) Semi-automatic pistol, or any semi-automatic, centerfire or rimfire rifle with
13 a fixed magazine, that has the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition;