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Dutch SF to Sport New Uniforms for Mali Mission – UPDATED

We had to take this down a few weeks ago due to political considerations. Now, the Dutch government has made the announcement official.

Rumor has it that The Dutch SF will be wearing a new MultiCam uniform designed by NFM Group and made from TenCate Defender-M fabric. Ironically, this is the first time that Dutch uniforms will incorporate this FR fabric from Netherlands-based company TenCate. COBBS Industries will supply the Combat Clothing which includes Smock, Combat Pants and Combat Shirt.



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14 Responses to “Dutch SF to Sport New Uniforms for Mali Mission – UPDATED”

  1. Stefan S. says:

    They have a military?

  2. BS says:

    The funny thing is the one of the recent tenders for their uniforms was won by company which manufactured uniforms from Chineese fabric.

  3. Luke says:

    that is a good looking pair or pants I must say, not sure if I’d like the elasticized cuff, but I’d sure try them out.

    • Bushman says:

      Maybe it’s just my impression, but if there is seam going around the leg half way from foot to knee, there should be an inner piece of fabric and this elastic cuff should go over the boots. I’ve used a pair of pants with the same design and it’s good except one feature – folded fabric wears out much faster. It’s better to keep the inseam area flat and protected with a piece of Cordura or something like that in this case.

      • Norseman says:

        When it wears out you get a new pair. I guess some of us get paid real money for doing a real job. These pants are good. Only negative is the Velcro strap that can be tightened behind the knee (similar to Crye pants), the Velcro gets dulled quickly so we get the local tailor to fix band buttons on em instead.

        • Bushman says:

          Maybe I’m too old, or my engineering background says that, but I always have strange feeling when something is still usable, except one strangely designed feature.
          Velcro are not made equal – I have some 15 y.o. flight suit and all h&l are still in great condition there, while, for example, Propper brand pants usually need it replaced every 8-10 months.

      • Buckaroomedic says:

        I think that bottom seam you see is just the bottom of the knee reinforcement.

  4. b_a says:

    What’s with their own new camo patterns?

    • Rob says:

      The new combat uniform project isn’t finished yet, NFP testing is supposed to be this year. The experience with the uniforms in this article will be taken into account with the new combat uniform clothing project.

  5. Joe says:

    Multicam, the pattern of the free world…well, and some others…

  6. Lasse says:

    Ripped crotches in 3, 2, 1 –